Complete each sentence with the correct word from the list.
Complete each sentence with the correct word from the list. - 1


Answer 1
Answer: 1-Ciencias

If you have a question about the answers let me know...
Answer 2
Answer: 1. Yo estudio las CIENCIAS como la física y la química
2. Mi PROFESORA de español es la señora Hernández
3. En mi clase de historia hay veinte ESTUDIANTES
4. Normalmente tenemos clase de química en el LABORATORIO
5. Guillermo siempre estudia en la BIBLIOTECA
6. Hoy tengo un EXAMEN muy difícil

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Spanish Questions I need help.
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What is the plural for él as in hombre


The plural of "él" is "los". So, the plural of "él hombre" would be "los hombres".

How do I say you are my best friend in Spanish?


Eres mi mejor amigo (amigo if mixed with boys and girls, amigas if all girls)


Eres mi mejor amiga


Yo_________muy inteligente.

Answer for Blank 1:


Yo soy muy inteligente.

The missing word is soy that mean i'm.  If you have any other question send me a message, and i'll help you
the missing word is "soy" because it makes more sense if you write it in the blank part.

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I think it's asking for the subject adjective?

The sentence says "The big penguin takes care of it's baby"

So the subject adjective would be "Grande" which means big.

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Mi familia es la mejor = my family is the best

My family is the best....=Mi familia es la mejor.....

If you have anymore questions, feel free to message me!

Please, HELP ASAP! Please, tell me which is the correct answer! ¿Cual es la idea principal?
A. Las cuevas son húmedas Puerto Rico tiene muchas cuevas.
B. Las cuevas son oscuras
C. No crece grama en las cuevas





Since that one gives the most details about the paragraph or article, A.


La respuesta es


The answer is letter