When pasting a range cells click the paste options button and then select the transpose option to


Answer 1


Switch rows to column and vice versa


Transpose "pasting option" is used to switch positions of cells from rows to column or from columns to rows depending on the current position of the cells being highlighted.

This can be done in two ways

1. Follow the steps as it is in the question above

2. Use the excel transpose inbuilt function.

Either of these two ways will give the desired result.

But is should be noted that, the transposing cells will not copy the formats (bold, italics, underline, etc.) of the selected range of cells; buy rather only the cell values will be copied.

Lastly, when making use of transpose, cells at the first rows will maintain the first column, those at the second row will maintain the second column, those at the third row will maintain the third column till it gets to the last row and column.

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) . .
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