The Pacific garbage patch is a(n) Question 14 options: dead zone south of Hawaii. ocean space, twice the size of Texas, where schools of stingray feed on detritus. continuous, expanding array of floating plastics in the north pacific gyre. landfill for marine wastes located on Midway atoll.


Answer 1

Answer:ocean space


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How is water transferred within and between organisms and the environment?


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Plants absorb and soak up water through their roots, and it is eventually evaporated off of them (transpiration), returning the water to the environment.

If an animal eats this plant it will receive some of its water content. Animals also drink fresh water that is available.

If an animal breaths, they can exhale extra water vapor which enters back into the cycle.

If an animal perspires, this water can also evaporate or be returned to the environment another way, such as the ground. The same goes for urination.

I hope that this helps! Have a wonderful day! :D

Final answer:

Water transfer between and within organisms and the environment plays an essential role in biological processes, primarily via osmosis, the facilitated diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane. The movement of water is critical for normal function of organisms, retaining water in terrestrial organisms, impacting availability of resources in aquatic environments, and assisting in the regulation of temperature.


Water transfer within and between organisms and the environment is a vital biological process. In the body, water moves through semi-permeable membranes of cells by a process called osmosis, which is the diffusion of water from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration. This ensures an appropriate balance of solutes inside and outside of cells, necessary for normal functioning.

Terrestrial organisms, which lose water to their environment, have evolved many adaptations to retain water. In aquatic environments, the availability of nutrients, food resources, and the water itself can be impacted by water movement, like currents and tides.

Interactions among living organisms and their environment result in the movement of matter and energy, including water. Heat energy in water is absorbed and released slowly due to its hydrogen bonds, allowing it to moderate temperature changes within organisms and their environments. The process of evaporation further facilitates the transfer of water between organisms and the environment.

Learn more about Water transfer here:


Hazards most associated with strike-slip earthquakes on the Hayward fault could include_______________.Select one:

a. Rain on snow

b. Liquefaction

c. Riptides

d. Tsunamis

e. All of the above

What type of tectonic plate boundary exists along the edge of the North American plate near the coast of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington?

Select one:

a. Transform

b. Divergent

c. Compressional

d. Convergent

A reverse fault, like the Cascadia subduction zone off the coast of Oregon and Northern California (north of Mendocino California), has relatively deep earthquakes—like the 1964 Alaska earthquake and the 2004 Sumatra earthquake that caused the Boxing Day Tsunami.


The first one is D. And the second is B.

Final answer:

The Hayward fault, a strike-slip fault, is typically associated with hazards such as liquefaction. The plate boundary along the coast of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington is a Transform boundary where tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other.


The hazards most associated with strike-slip earthquakes on the Hayward fault could include liquefaction. On the other hand, the type of tectonic plate boundary that exists along the edge of the North American plate near the coast of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington is a Transform boundary. In contrast, a reverse fault like the Cascadia subduction zone off the coast of Oregon and Northern California (north of Mendocino California) sees relatively deep earthquakes.

Learn more about Tectonic Plate Boundaries here:


ALL ABOUT THIS ROCK: SLATE .For the rock slate choose all the characteristics that apply.Be careful: There are a total of 5 correct answers. ANY INCORRECT ANSWER will deduct one point from any correct one!

may contain calcite
non-visible minerals
may contain serpentine
may contain micas
formed by contact metamorphism
formed by regional metamorphism



Principal characteristics of a slate are:

It's a Metamorphic rock

As e metamorphic rock it is Foliated

It's origin is Regional metamorphism

Is a fine-grain rock, for that reason it has non-visible minerals

A slate is composed by principally by clay and Micas.


Slate rocks are fine-grain metamorphic rocks which original rock use to be a shale or a vocanic rock. It is foliated, becase of compression stress produced by regional metamorphism, it means, orogenic metamorphism common in compresive plate boundaries. The foliation are planes perpendicular to the stress direction. It has non visible minerals because of the size of it's original components; usually it comes from shales, sedementary rock with clay minerals that after metamorphism sometimes become micas.

The porosity and permeability of a soil are influenced by the ____ of the soil.​​color
copper content​


The porosity and permeability of soil are influenced by the structure of the soil

What is a Soil Structure?

Soil structure is a word used to describe the arrangement or the way of soil in the solid parts of the soil and of the pore space located between them. It describes the structure of the soil.

Soil structure also describes the way individual particles of sand, silt, and clay are assembled. So the porosity and permeability of soil are influenced by the structure of the soil.

Learn more about Soil Structure here:

Structure I hope is the right answer

What body of water is between the island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula?


The Strait of Malacca

QUESTION 5There's only one species extinction that we can attribute to a climate change, that is
polar bears


coral reefs


golden toad


Globally we set more hot records than cold records.




When looking at the extremes bell curve, there are two reasons we will start getting more heat waves with global warming. They are
more flooding will cause more persistent heat waves

an increase in mean temperature

an increase in temperature variance

an increase in sea level


The #1 deforesting nation is







5.golden toad


2.increase in mean temperature
