What is revealed about the narrator in paragraph 6 of Dr. Heidegg


Answer 1


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Which word in the sentence is the indirect object? Our cousins sent us pictures of their visit to the beach last summer.






Us. You can't use a word in a prep. phrase and call it an indirect object. Visit, beach, and summer are eliminated. The cousins sent you the picture, so pic. is eliminated. The only noun/pronoun left is us.

What should I do?For school, I have to dress up as the word 'surfeit'. What should I dress as?


well it means  excess exg and excessive ammount of food or other object.
one thing you could do is dress up as a Thanksgiving dinner for allot of people.

you could thickly cover yourclothes in glitter or some other stuff

you could wear as many layers of clothes that you could weear without passing out from the heat
You could dress as a cornucopia, they have an abundance of food, which is the definition surfeit.

How are a common denominator in a common multiple alike and different


Well if you think about it, a common denominator is a denominator that is the same when you are adding or subtracting fractions.  A common multiple is a multiple of two or more numbers.  Such as saying you use a common denominator when you are adding or subtracting fractions.  To get a common denominator, you would have to use a common multiple.  Let's try this:
(3)/(4) + (5)/(6)
1. You need to find a number that 4 and 6 have in common.
2. You multiply the numerator by the number that you multiplied for the           denominator
3. Add the numerators (but not the denominators!!!!)
4. Simplify if needed.
Hope that helped!

In the Lightning thief why does Percy suspect that Ares wasn't acting alone that he was taking orders from someone


because if Ares wanted war he could have kept it and the whispers on the beach and his dreams

Based on what you have read, what is steinbacks attitude towards the banks?A. He respects them
B.he is disgusted by them
C.he feels sorry for then
D. He is proud of them


John Steinbeck is disgusted by banks.


The given question refers to The Grapes of Wrath, a novel written by American writer John Steinbeck and first published in 1939. It won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction and contributed to Steinbeck winning the Nobel Prize.

The story takes place in the period of the Great Depression and tells about the Joads, a poverty-stricken family of farmers who are forced to leave their home in Oklahoma and go to California in order to find new jobs, better land, and a brighter future. One of the main causes of the farmers' misery during the time were banks, which Steinbeck describes as monsters, something malicious that takes pleasure in the farmers' and landowners' misfortune.

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Which sentence uses capital letters correctly? A. "Far below us was a deep gorge," she said. "It was breathtaking!" B. "Far below us was a deep gorge," she said. "it was breathtaking!" A...Right? please help!!!!!


the answer is A because you always capitalize "I"