Read this excerpt from a travel journal.Today we circled D.C.’s tidal basin – it was amazing! We started at the Jefferson Memorial, with its towering statue and familiar quotes. Then, it was on to the newer FDR memorial.

Which sentence exhibits the most appropriate style in which to continue this journal?

A.The FDR memorial is stunning; its historical depiction of the Depression era and the country’s recovery is unrivaled.
B.My family relished the carefully manicured grounds of the exquisite FDR Memorial, replete with waterfalls and statues.
C.We loved the lifelike statues and tumbling water falls that led us through the memorial’s grounds.
D.The FDR memorial, constructed in the 1990s, celebrates FDR’s three terms with statues and waterfalls.


Answer 1


i'd say B. But it depends on how you interpret the tone of the piece


i thought statement B followed the more informal tone of the piece but like i said it is debatable.

Answer 2

Answer: B

Explanation: cause trust me

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Learn more about Spartan here:



They mostly wanted the students to win wars.

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Great Britain must not elect officials who would abandon any part of the empire.

hope this helps! (:


A) Great Britain must not elect officials who would abandon any part of the empire.


on edge

hope this helps! :D

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How did Rome's expansion after the Punic Wars affect Rome's social development?
The social order changed.
anwer:The social order chaged