What is zero conditionals


Answer 1
Answer: As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses is not fixed. You may have to rearrange the pronouns and adjust punctuation when you change the order of the clauses, but the meaning is identical. In zero conditional sentences, you can replace "if" with "when", because both express general truths. The meaning will be unchanged.

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Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. You could date a great change in the world to a visit one Madame Villeneuve made to France in 1714. That year, Pauline, an enslaved woman from the Caribbean, arrived in France as the personal servant of her mistress. When Madame Villeneuve set off from the coast to visit Paris, she left Pauline in a convent. The young woman spent her time studying with the nuns and went so far in her training that she asked to become a nun herself and remain in the convent. The nuns agreed, which enraged Madame Villeneuve. She rushed to a judge, demanding to have her property back. Was Pauline a free woman, a bride of Christ, or an item to be bought, sold, and warehoused when she was not in use? Twenty-three years earlier, King Louis XIV had issued a set of rules that defined slavery as legal in the French sugar islands. But when two slaves managed to reach France, he freed them—saying they became free "as soon as they [touched] the soil" of France. The judges sided with Pauline—she was real to them, human, not a piece of property. For Pauline's judges, as for King Louis, slavery far off across the seas was completely different from enslaved individuals in France. Slave owners fought back, arguing that owners should be able to list their slaves as property when they arrived in France and take them with them when they left. Though most parts of France agreed to this, law­makers in Paris hesitated. Pierre Lemerre the Younger made the case for the slaves. "All men are equal," he insisted in 1716—exactly sixty years before the Declaration of Independence. To say that "all men are equal" in 1716, when slavery was flourishing in every corner of the world and most eastern Europeans themselves were farmers who could be sold along with the land they worked, was like announcing that there was a new sun in the sky. In the Age of Sugar, when slavery was more brutal than ever before, the idea that all humans are equal began to spread—toppling kings, overturning governments, transforming the entire world. How do the details in the passage support the central idea? A)They compare the end of slavery in the French colonies with the end of slavery in other colonies.
B)They provide details about the final few years of slavery in Europe and its many colonies.
C)They provide examples of how laws and attitudes about equality changed in France.
D) They explain why enslaved people entered convents in an attempt to gain their freedom.


The correct option is C) “They provide examples of how laws and attitudes about equality changed in France.” In the passage there are several examples of how people in France had different views and attitudes towards slavery, especially King Louis XIV, who freed two slaves when they reached French soil, judges that took the Pauline case, and Pierre Lemerre the Younger  in 1716 with the idea that all men are equal.

Option A is incorrect since the passage does not compare slavery in France and other colonies

Option B is also incorrect since it does not refer to the final years of slavery

And option D is also incorrect since it did not focus on the slaves entering the convent to be free; the example of Pauline was used to describe how slavery was seen in France.  




In this line from the poem, which word best describes the mood evoked by the personification of the daffodils? Fluttering and dancing in the breezeA) gloom
B) delight
C) enlightenment
D) violence
This is the passage: I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.


In the line from the poem, the word which best describes the mood evoked by the personification of the daffodils is:

B) delight

The adjectives used imply happiness such as dancing. As used to personify the daffodils, dancing is an activity done by a person who is happy.

President George W. Bush’s speech to the troops on the USS Abraham LincolnOur mission continues. Al-Qaida is wounded, not destroyed. The scattered cells of the terrorist network still operate in many nations, and we know from daily intelligence that they continue to plot against free people. The proliferation of deadly weapons remains a serious danger. The enemies of freedom are not idle, and neither are we. Our government has taken unprecedented measures to defend the homeland — and we will continue to hunt down the enemy before he can strike.

Which type of evidence would best support the president’s claim in this excerpt?

Interviews with families of the people serving on the USS Lincoln
Photographs of the landscapes in Afghanistan and Iraq
Descriptions of the climate differences in the areas at war
Specific information about known terrorist activities


The best answer to the question above would be the fourth statement. The type of evidence that is needed to best support or illustrate president George W. Bush's claim in his speech would be the specific information about known terrorist activities. In this way, he can showcase the horrible things the terrorists did and are planning to do.

The evidence that would support the president's claim is option D, where he would give specific information.

What is an evidence?

This is known as an available body of facts or information showing if a belief is true.

Hence, we can see that to support the president's claim, the valid evidence to prove this is to give specific information about the known terrorist activities by exposing their wicked plans.

Read more about evidence here:



Which sentence contains an idiom?We are trying hard to finish the project on time.
We always seem to be working against the clock.
We somehow managed to avoid losing the contract.
We completed most of the work in a timely fashion


"We always seem to be working against the clock"

Evaluation is when you make _____.


an observation?
an analysis? 

i hope these help


Judgments is the actual answer.


In Bloom's taxonomy, evaluation is when you make judgments about the information presented to you. :)

Hope this helps!

This book is popular with my male friends. Therefore, I think you, as a guy, will probably like it as well. Is the argument above inductive or deductive? Why?


I think it's deductive because you used information available to deduce and infer something. It is not certain.

The answer is deductive.