Direct current is produced by an electric motor. an armature. a solenoid. a battery.


Answer 1




I just did it

Answer 2
Answer: I believe D or A would be the answer. D for sure is correct

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To define constructors and member functions outside of a class's original scope, the operator can be used.


Answer: Scope resolution operator(::)

Explanation: A member function and the constructor can be called within the function easily but for the execution of the these components outside the class , a special operator is required to call the functions. The scope resolution operator(::) preceding with the name of class is thus used for defining of the function outside class.This operator maintains the cope of the function and constructor outside the class.

1. Do our shared social experiences lead us to think

communication is a cure-all?


Yes,  our shared social experiences lead us to think communication is a cure-all.

This is because, helps the individual in shaping their mental and emotional health for the rest of their life.

With shared social experiences , there would be communication among people and it serves as a cure-all.

Therefore, shared social experiences lead us to think communication is a cure-all.

Learn more about social experiences at:




Shared social illustrations have always shown that any problem of any kind can be sorted by communication.

Eg : Whenever societies face any problem - eg recession, the competent people related to that area of problem (representing different interests of various groups also) sit & discuss (ie communicate in detail) about it.  

These communications have seen to be solution to all problems world has faced.

Which option did you choose? Boxing? A different sport? Why did you choose it


Not boxing because it is violent, but i would choose Baschetball . It is frendly and safe, but you have to sweat too at it. It is the best

create a Java program that prompt the user to enter a number of hours, wages, over time factor, then your program should calculate the employee total wages. Make sure your program can calculate the over time and regular wages if number of hours are great than 40 hours. Use 1.5 for over time factor. Make sure your Java code has comments showing declarations and description of your variables.



The program to the given question as follows:


import java.util.*; //import package for user input.

public class Main //defining class Main


public static void main(String[] as) //defining main method


final double over_time_factor = 1.5; //define final variable

double number_Of_hours,wages,total_Wages=0; //defining variables  

System.out.println("Enter hours and wages rate:"); //print message

Scanner obc = new Scanner(; //creating Scanner class object for user input

number_Of_hours = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input

wages = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input

if(number_Of_hours>40) //check condition if number_Of_hours greter then 40


total_Wages=40*wages+(number_Of_hours-40)*wages*over_time_factor; //calculate value


else //else part


total_Wages = number_Of_hours*wages; //calculate total_Wages


System.out.println("Total Wages: $"+total_Wages); //print value




Enter hours and wages rate:



Total Wages: $36.0


In the above java program, the package is first imported into the user input and then the class is defined and inside this, the main method is defined, that defines a double type final variable "over_time_factor" is defined that holds a value "1.5", Then double type variable is defined that are " number_Of_hours, wages, and total_Wages", in which first two variables are used for taking input from the user and the third variable is used to calculate their values. After taken input from the user, the conditional statement is used that can be defined as follows:

  • The if block, checks the variable "number_Of_hours" value is greater than 40 it will calculate over_time_factor value that is held by total_Wages variable.  
  • In else block, it will multiply the user input value that is store in total_Wages variable.  
  • At the end of the conditional statement, the print function is used that prints total_Wages variable value.  

Consider the operation of a machine with the data path given below. Suppose that loading the ALU input registers takes 5 nsec, running the ALU takes 10 nsec, and storing the result back in the register scratchpad takes 5 nsec. What’s the maximum number of MIPS this machine is capable of with pipelining with the three execution stages?



The load instructions in the ALU input registers take the 5 nsec, and tuns the ALU and this takes the 10 nsec and thus stores the result back into the scratchpad registers and this takes 5 nsec. The data path cycle in it is 20 nsec.

The total time is 20 nsec for one cycle.

To calcualte the MIPS, divide one second with 20 nsec.

Millions of instructions per second (MIPS) = (1*10^9 nsec)/20 nsec = 50,000,000 nsec

Therefore, the maximum number of MIPS this machine is capable of in the absence of pipelining is 50 MIPS.


Describe the components of Computer-based informationsystems.


Answer: Major components of a computer based information system:-

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Network
  • Databases

Explanation: The basic components of a computer based information system are :

  • Hardware -devices that physical parts of a computer system such as monitor, printer,keyboard etc.
  • Software- they are form of programs that perform the processing of the data .
  • Networks- is the phase in which multiple computer system are connected with each other and share resources.
  • Databases- they are collection of the information or related data in the forms of files or tables.
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