How did Dutch activity in the Americas differ from Spanish and French activity?a.)
Dutch colonization relied on corporations like the Dutch West India Company.

Dutch Catholics fled to New Netherlands in search of religious liberty.

Dutch traders only traded with other Europeans, not with the natives.

Dutch claims in the Americas were backed up with large numbers of settlers.


Answer 1

Dutch's are Europeans from the Netherlands and are mixtures of Celtic and Germans. They colonized many American, Asian and African countries including Ghana, Ivory Cost etc.

Dutch activity differs from Spanish and French as:

Option a) Dutch colonization relied on corporations like the Dutch West India Company.

The colonization can be explained as:

  • The Dutch's spread their establishments through commerce corporations based on American products and goods. While France and Spain established their rules directly by conquering the nations.

  • Dutch colonized the areas rich in trades routes and industries to profit more and became powerful.

Thus, Dutch relied on corporations from companies.

To learn more about colonization by the Dutch follow the link:

Answer 2


a) Dutch colonization relied on corporations like the Dutch West India Company.


The Dutch colonization was based on the establishment of corporations dedicated to the commerce of American products, a form of indirect intervention, whereas the Spanish and French models of colonization were based on the direct intervention of their governments on conquered territories.

The right answer is A.

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