The North American regions listed above are all part of which biome? A. forest B. desert C. marine D. tundra


Answer 1

Answer: B. Desert


Answer 2




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How woman in some parts of the west differed from women on the east coast in the late 1800s


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Women in some parts of the west differed from women on the east coast in the late 1800s in that the women from the west had the right to suffrage and could vote on elections.

Believe or not, but there was one place in the west where women had the right to suffrage before the passing of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Guess where?

The place: Wyoming. It was a man called William Bright, a politician from the territory of Wyoming (it was not a state yet) who, in 1869, introduced a bill in the upper house of the territory that allowed women of 21 years old and more, the right to vote.

women in the west enjoyed their right to suffrage, but  women who live in the East did not

Who is the 45 president?



donald trump


The 45th president of the United States is Donald j trump

The United States acquired Oregon Territory when(how did they get it)-


In 1846, the Oregon boundary dispute between the U.S. and Britain was settled with the signing of the Oregon Treaty. The British gained sole possession of the land north of the 49th parallel and all of Vancouver Island, with the United States receiving the territory south of that line.

What challenges did the Byzantine Empire face from foreign forces?


Answer:   Slavs and Avars

In 550 CE, a group of barbarian invaders from eastern Europe named the Slavs began to raid the Balkan territory of the Byzantine Empire. To turn back these raids, the Byzantines arranged for another barbarian group, the Avars, to attack the Slavs.

These barbarian tribes were often at war with each other over territory and power. The Byzantines hoped to take advantage of this. The Avars lived in the Caucasus region and were related to the Huns. The Byzantines hoped that the Slavs would be too busy fighting the Avars to raid the Balkans. However, this plan backfired horribly.

 Avars and Sassanids

Not only was the Byzantine army fighting the Avars mutiny, rebels in Constantinople also rioted and killed the emperor. Shortly afterwards, the new emperor was also killed by a competitor for the throne, Heraclius.


After five years of peace, a new enemy threatened the empire. The Arabs managed to defeat Byzantine armies in Syria and Palestine, and after Heraclius died, they took control of Egypt.

Arab armies swept across Persia and Byzantine territories in North Africa and East Asia. They then turned their attention toward capturing Constantinople.

The Arabs attacked the city twice, in 674 CE and in 717 CE, and were defeated both times. The Byzantines were greatly aided by a weapon called Greek Fire. This weapon spewed fire at attacking ships, causing them to burst into flames.


In the early 600s, the Bulgar people united to form a powerful kingdom that stretched along the Danube in the Balkans. This group mixed with the Slavic people.

The Bulgarian Kingdom attacked the Byzantine Empire several times, which caused the Byzantine emperor to lead an army against them in 811 CE. The Bulgars crushed the Byzantine troops, killed the emperor, and two years later, attacked Constantinople.

ASAP HELP PLEASE!!! Compare and contrast the economic systems of Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism.



In capitalism the majority economics decisions are taken by the markets, there is economic agents which take its own economic decisions in function on its benefits. The activity of the State is limited to some areas.

In socialism the objective is the society, all the economics activities are in function of the society. Here the State has the control of majority of economic activities but there is private economic activities regulated by the State. Many intellectuals do not see the socialism like an economic system else like a transition to communism. Today there is not socialist economies and someone confuses this system with that capitalist economies with an elevated level of social security, so many says France is a socialism economy, this is not true.  

In the communism, the State control all the activities of the people: economic, social, political, cultural, etc. The individuals decisions are not valid and there is not property.

What was the role of a proconsul under augustus


The role of a proconsul under Augustus was acted governor over the province

I hope that's help:0