Read the sample letter.Dear Applicant,

Congratulations! Your admission application was approved, and you have been accepted as a student at Ridge Community College.

Your acceptance indicates that your test scores met the college’s requirements and that many people believed in you.

If you are entering as a first-year student, send your enrollment records from your former high school. If you are a transfer student, send the records from your former college. If you plan to attend, then please register online.

What is the purpose of this letter? entertain the student by telling a funny story compare one student to the other inform the student of admission status convince the student to enroll


Answer 1

Answer: .to inform the student of admission status


The writer of the letter is not narrating any stories. This is why option A is incorrect.

Option B is also incorrect because the letter is informing and it is not a comparison. Apart from that no other student is mentioned.

Option D is incorrect because persuation is not the aim of the letter.

Option C is correct because the writer provides information about thd applicant admission status.

Answer 2
Answer: The purpose of the letter is to
c. inform the student of admission status

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Final answer:

B.)the romantic capers of the knights of the time.

The popularity of romances in the medieval period was mainly due to the tales of knights, reflecting the social structure of the period. Interest in Celtic literature and demand for entertaining narratives also played a role.


The popularity of romances in the medieval period can primarily be attributed to the romantically adventurous tales of knights that resonated with the societal structure of the time. This period was dominated by feudal societies where lords and their retinues of knights held significant power. Therefore, it's plausible that literature reflecting these societal heroes became popular among the masses. To a lesser extent, a new interest in Celtic literature and the demand for more lighthearted and entertaining narratives helped to amplify this trend. These romances often offered a break from the often harsh reality of medieval life.

Learn more about medieval period romances here:


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