Why does a constant interest in other people’s business have the potential to make people suspicious of each other?


Answer 1


Because they may claim that others are copying their ideas and such.

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*These Are Some Words That mean Not Knowing Whats Going on*
Oblivious, unaware, blind, ignorant, naive, unintelligent. 

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Example: -Have you bought the dictionary?
-Yes, I have.
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2)-Has your brother rung up granny?
3)-Have they been to Paris 
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4)-Have the children found their pet?
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This is really good. But instead of "...." say something 

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I am speaking the truth.

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foot ball shoes, gaming console,games, 

What might an envious character do?


Envy may incite the envious character to hurt the other character somehow with an end goal to improve himself or herself feel. This could incorporate passionate damage like bits of gossip. The step-mother and step-sisters in Cinderella influence her to perform errands, they shield her from setting off to the sovereign's ball, and when the ruler goes to the house looking for his missing move accomplice, Cinderella's progression mother secures her room and tells the sovereign just the progression girls are available in the house. Envious characters may persevere relentlessly to get what they need.

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No matter what anyone thinks of you, you are who you are. Boys don't have to tell girls there not skinny enough and girls don't have to tell boys your not tough enough. God has the perfect soulmate for us so don't try to make yourself any prettier or handsomer than you are because there is no one more beautiful than who God already made you. :)
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