in the number 772 is the value of the 7 in the tens place 10 times greater than the value of the 7 in the hundred place ? explain why or why not


Answer 1
Answer: No because the seven in the tens place is equal to 70 and the seven in the hundreds place is equal to 700.

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The English photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones designed a large birdcage in the London Zoo called the Snowden _Aviary__.

hope thats right and i hope thats helpful :)

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D. Procrastinate : Lazy
Condole & doleful both mean to morn or express grieve. Therefore they are similar in meaning, just the same as procrastinate and Lazy are similar
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Smoke from the train engine quickly hid the platform and the passengers.

hid the platform; modifies quickly

and the passengers; modifies hid

from the train engine; modifies Smoke

engine quickly hid; modifies Smoke


I think C is the best choice