At the birth of the united states, the plan which called for representation based on population was the ______.A. Virginia Plan
B. New Jersey Plan
C. Bill of Rights
At the birth of the united states, the plan which - 1


Answer 1
Answer: B. The New Jersey Plan

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What does spit mean in colonial times

Which strategy was George Washington forced to use early in the Revolutionary War? A. hire Spanish mercenaries to attack British forts B. retreat whenever necessary to save his army C. always fight in the traditional European style D. attack the enemy regardless of losses to his army


George Washington was forced use early in the Revolutionary War to retreat whenever necessary to save his army. Thus, option 'B' is the correct option.

What strategies were used in the Revolutionary War?

Similar strategies were employed by both sides in the war. Long rows of soldiers would form. They would move to get within 50 yards of the adversary. Then each row would simultaneously fire a salvo at the opposition. After firing, the first row would begin to reload. The second row would then fire while the first row was reloading, and so on.

Linear tactics refer to fighting in lines like this. Although it may appear absurd at first, the notion of lining up to shoot at the opposition in this manner has some logic. Muskets were dreadfully inaccurate, so instead, they would fire simultaneously and launch a wall of musket balls in the direction of the opposition.

Learn more about Revolutionary War, here:


B. retreat whenever necessary to save his army 

Washington wasn't that good, the only reason he made it big was off of one good battle, and before that, he lost plenty. He always retreated in order to save his men.

What religion was the majority of the population in the Safavid Empire by the end of the eighteenth century?



Shiite Islam


The Safavid Empire or Safawi dynasty (1501-1722) is considered to be the largest Iranian Empire since the Muslim conquest of Persia. The safávidas are original of Ardabil, a city of the Iranian Azerbaijan, in that then a region in the north of Iran. They were predominantly an Azeri Turkic-speaking dynasty, whose classical language was Persian.The Safavids created a unified and independent Iranian state for the first time since the Muslim conquest of Persia, reaffirmed Iranian political identity and established Shiite Islam as the official religion of Iran. The Safavids ruled Iran between 1502 and 1722, the year when the Pashtun forces of Mir Mahmud Hotaki invaded their domains. Later, in 1736, the Afsarid dynasty seized the territory, although some Safavid lords lasted until 1760.

They established the Twelver school of Shi'a Islam as the official religion of their empire

Which political party was Abraham Lincoln part of?



He was in the national union party, which later became the republican party


How did the role of government in the economy change during the great depression?


In the United States, the role of government in the economy changed dramatically during the great depression since under FDR's New Deal, the government "stepped in" to help created jobs and other opportunities for suffering Americans. 

Did Buying stock on margin remained profitable as long as stock prices fell


No, generally speaking buying stock on margin did not remain profitable as long as stock prices fell, due to the pact that this meant the loan that was used to purchase the stock often had to be paid back before profits were made. 

One reason that the government faced difficulty defending the Sherman Antitrust Act in court was because


One reason that the government faced difficulty defending the Sherman Antitrust Act in court was because many of the court officials were corrupt in the sense that they were colluding with the very businesses that were being charged. 

Answer:the answer is A
