How did the environment influence the plains native american culture


Answer 1
Answer: The climate, environment, land and natural resources that were available to the Indian tribes in this area, located in the very center of North America, resulted in the adoption of the culture shared by the Great Plains Indians.

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The best answer here is b. political parties: they are groups of citizens (anyone can join) who seek to be part of the government. 

Other options:
Democtrats are an example of a political party
Special interest group is a bit similar in that it unites people with the same interest, but they do not seek power in the government, but rather some advantages, for example a specific law.

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Charles X sparked a revolt in France by


Charles X sparked a revolt in France by trying to increase the power of the monarchy. Obviously, Charles was a French king who wanted ultimate control over his country, and thus he wanted to monarchy to grow even stronger than it was at the time. Naturally, his people didn't like the changes he wanted to implement and so they rebelled.Hope this helps. Let me know if you need additional help!

Charles X sparked a revolt in France by trying to increase the power of monarchy.

Further Explanation:-

French revolution is also known as July revolution and it marked a shift of constitutional monarchy. This revolution marked shift of one constitutional monarchy to another. This revolution started a constitutional monarchy as Charles X and his son let off their rights which they had under the throne and left for Great Britain. Although, before his departure, Charles X had made indications that his grandson will take over this throne but the politicians of that era, Composed a new provisional government and gave throne to his distant cousin named as Louis Philippe who belonged to house of Orleans and this throne was given to him because he was the one who agreed be the ruler under Constitutional monarch. Charles X was supported by Ultra-Royalists but he was extremely unpopular and reactionary monarch and his aspirations were on much bigger scale than his diseased brother. He never had any desire to rule as a Constitutional monarch and always made attempts to strength his own authority and weaken the lower house.  

Learn more:

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2. Which best describes how the electoral college affects the executive branch?

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Answer Details:

Grade – High School

Subject – History

Chapter – Charles X

Keywords –Charles X, Revolt, Monarch, Constitutional, Politicians, Authority, Weaken, Unpopular, Orleans, Ruler, Provisional, Louis Philippe

Which book did fifteenth-century inventor Johannes Gutenberg print on his printing press?a. The Bible
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He printed the Bible on his printing press, more specifically the "Forty-Two Line Bible," now known as the Gutenberg Bible. 
Hope that answered your question.

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The main message that the Roosevelt Corollary sent to the rest of the world was that the United States was a powerful force that would intervene in European issues in South America if necessary. 


B: The United States was in charge of the Western Hemisphere.



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"c. ecotourism" is one way that economies in southern and eastern Africa are overcoming economic challenges, since more and more people want to experience the sights and activities in these regions for less money.