Which of the following criterion is a requirement for naturalization as a US citizen? A. The person must be a lawful, permanent resident for five years. B. The person must read, write, and speak at least two languages. C. The person must be related to a natural or naturalized citizen. D. The person must be between the ages of 18 and 55 years old.


Answer 1

The first answer is correct (A).

The naturalization process in the USA exists that the individual fulfills several requirements, among which:

Do not have a criminal history, be over 18 years old, know how to read and write in English, have good moral conduct and being a permanent resident for at least 5 years.

Answer 2
Answer:  A. The person must be a lawful, permanent resident for five years. - one of the primary requirements for naturalization as a US citizen.

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The answer is: :C. It gives the courts the power to invalidate any federal or state law that they believe violates the Constitution.

By having the courts this ability, the judicial branch of the government would had the power to prevent the president of united states and the congress from establishing law that are violating the rights of citizen in united states. It is a form of a balance of power that prevent a certain people in the government from becoming too powerful.

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Individuals! He wanted to protect and enhance freedoms and rights of Individuals.

Men to John Locke are by nature, free and equal against claims that God had made all people naturally subject to a monarch.

Hope this helps!


what the guy said above me its correct


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It is called that after the dynasty that ruled once

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B. unequal distribution of wealth

C. increasing demand for goods

D. runaway inflation

E. overproduction


The answer is:

A.) Speculation in the stock market

B.) Unequal distribution of wealth

E.) Overproduction

Speculation in the stock market made many of the people lost their saved money on the investments that they tough but not resulted according tot heir prediction. Unequal distribution of wealth made most of the wealth generated in the country fall to the hands of less than 1% of the people. Overproduction made people waste resources on things that we dont relaly need

A.) Speculation in the stock market

B.) Unequal distribution of wealth

E.) Overproduction