Which of the following is a characteristic of an ethical appeal? A. gives the idea that the writer is sympathetic and respectable B. takes into account information collected through data such as statistics C. focuses on providing an accurate, fact-based picture of the topic D. tries to influence the audience by citing expert opinions


Answer 1
Answer: A is the correct answer.

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Poetry can make use of: _____. Select all that apply.


I am assuming that the question actually reads: Poetry can make use of ____. 

1. Rhyme2. Prose3. Paragraphs4 Rhythm
Select all that apply.
Poetry can make use of Rhyme, Prose, Rhythm and Paragraphs. Prose poetry is poetry that looks like prose but is actually poetry. Prose poetry also contains paragraphs. It tends to focus on images and contains poetic meter and rhyming words. Standard poetry, on the other hand is written in verse, contains image driven metaphors, and consists mainly of poetic meter which is rhythm and rhyming meter. 

Final answer:

Poetry utilizes various elements such as style elements (diction, imagery, figurative language), aspects of characters, plot or setting, rhythm, simile, symbols, and themes. Moreover, the use of rhyme schemes and the organization of composition are crucial in crafting effective poetry.


Poetry can make use of numerous elements and techniques. These include but are not limited to: style elements such as diction, imagery, or figurative language, as well as different aspects of characters, plot, or setting.

Moreover, poetry can also incorporate rhythms, the rise and fall of stressed sounds within sentences or stanzas, and similes, which are indirect comparisons of unlike things using the words 'as' or 'like'.

Poems often make use of symbols, objects that represent themselves and something else at the same time, to provide a deeper layer of meaning. We can also identify the theme in a poem, which is the central meaning or thesis of the text. The use of rhyme schemes such as the familiar ABAB pattern is another common feature in poetry.

Similar to other literary forms, creating effective poetry involves the careful use of language to convey meaning, maintaining coherence through the use of transitions, and considering the needs of the audience in the crafting of a composition. All these elements together create a unique signature for each poem.

Learn more about effective poetry here:



A character who is fairly stereotypical is usually an


A stock character is a fictional character that is based on popular social or literary stereotypes. The names, manner of speech, and characteristics of these characters are usually based on stereotypes.

What is a stereotype in learning?

A stereotype is a fixed image or idea that has been emotionally colored by prejudice or bias, i.e., by consistent evaluation. Educational stereotypes are behavioral, cognitive, and affective criteria that guide a teacher's professional educational activities.

Stereotypical thinking implies an overreaction to information that generates or confirms a stereotype and an underreaction to information that contradicts it. If new information changes the group's most distinguishing feature, stereotypes can shift. Stereotypes, whether they are minor or major characters, can help an author construct a story. It may assist a writer in explaining a character's personality or actions, or it may simply be easier to assign a stereotype to a character in order to work on developing other aspects of the story more fully.

Learn more about a stereotype here:



flat character
hope that helps

What is the most important subject in a celebration of grandfathers?


The education of the writer's grandfather.


The most important subject in A Celebration of Grandfathers is sharing.


The author, Anaya, mentions several times how his people shared with each other, even during hard times. He also states how sharing was necessary in survival. The main idea of the essay is to share.

Antonyms: Match the following word with the word or phrase most nearly its opposite. 15.

(5 pt) dexterity






clumsiness is the opposite of dexterity.

Transcribe the following words below: seem , jeep ,keep, peel




Reference books that contain words of similar meaning the opposite meanings are called


The reference book is called :thesaurus.
Hope i helped. 
The reference book is a thesaurus and opposite word is called an antonym