Both John Locke and Thomas Jefferson wrote about the natural rights of man. In what document are these "Unalienable rights" specifically mentioned? A. the bill of rights b. the mayflower compact c. the preamble to the constitution d. the Declaration of Independence


Answer 1
Answer: d. the Declaration of Independence

What's unalienable cannot be taken away or denied. Its most famous use is in the Declaration of Independence, which says people have unalienable rights of lifeliberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Answer 2

In the Declaration of Independence these "unalienable rights" are specifically mentioned. Specifically, The Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

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What happened to the relationship between Patricians and Plebeians during PaxRomana?
a.) They existed side by side
b.) They fought for more rights for their own group
c.) They began to live in different parts of Rome
d.) They ceased to exist in society





After the expulsion of the kings, Rome was ruled by its aristocrats (roughly, the patricians) who abused their privileges. This led to a struggle between the people (plebeians) and the aristocrats that is called the Conflict of the Orders. The term "orders" refers to the patrician and plebeian groups of Roman citizens.

Plebeians were the lower-class, often farmers, in Rome who mostly worked the land owned by the Patricians. ... In 450 BC, plebeians were barred from marrying patricians, but this law was repealed in 445 BC by a Tribune of the Plebs.

How did geography influence the history and culture of Southeast Asia and of Korea? Illustrate your answer with examples.


Geography influences the history and culture of Southeast Asia and of Korea because, since they are near the pacific oceans so they can have better trade due to their sea trade.

Final answer:

The geography of Southeast Asia and Korea has significantly impacted their history and culture. The tropical climate and island nature of Southeast Asia led to numerous distinct ethnic groups and cultures, while the peninsular and mountainous nature of Korea allowed for a homogenously unique cultural development.


Geography has heavily influenced the history and culture of Southeast Asia and Korea. Southeast Asia is characterized by a tropical climate and thousands of islands separated by seas. These conditions led to the development of multiple isolated ethnic groups, each with a distinct culture and language. For example, the Vietnamese were influenced by their proximity to China, leading to strong Confucian philosophies and a variant of Chinese script in their language. Similarly, the island geography of the Philippines has dominated its history and culture, with each island fostering a unique ethnic group, language, and culture.

On the other hand, Korea's geography of peninsular and mountainous terrains, closed on three sides by the sea, influenced its history and culture by limiting foreign invasions and allowing for unique cultural development. This geographic isolation led to the Korean culture being heavily homogeneous, resulting in a unique language script, Hangul, and strong traditions like Kimchi making and Taekwondo.

Learn more about Geographical Influence here:


How was the discovery of metals useful to early man


Answer: The discovery of metals by early man was very useful, because it helped them to cut, stab, or build things. Hunting with these tools helped early man to survive for much longer because they could now easily kill their prey by stabbing, cutting, or throwing a knife or spear. These tools also, helped with building things or breaking into fruits. They could create hammers to crack into hard fruits or create wooden structures.

Final answer:

The discovery of metals, such as copper, bronze, and iron, revolutionized early human civilizations. It provided them with tools, weapons, and materials for construction, leading to advancements in agriculture, trade, and warfare.


The discovery of metals, such as copper, bronze, and iron, was highly significant for early man. It revolutionized their way of life and had a profound impact on their civilizations.

Metals provided early man with tools, weapons, and materials for construction. By extracting and manipulating metals, early humans were able to create more durable and efficient tools, improving their ability to hunt, farm, and build. This led to increased food production, population growth, and the establishment of permanent settlements.

Furthermore, the discovery of metals enabled early man to create weapons of greater strength and durability. This gave them an advantage in conflicts and warfare, allowing them to protect themselves and expand their territories. In addition to tools and weapons, metals also played a crucial role in trade. They could be fashioned into valuable commodities that could be exchanged for other goods. This facilitated long-distance trade and contributed to the development of complex economic systems.

In summary, the discovery of metals had a transformative effect on early human societies. It shaped their technology, economy, and social structures, leading to advancements in agriculture, trade, and warfare.

Learn more about the usefulness of the discovery of metals to early man here:


During the era of reform studied, which was the last group to win the rights they fought for?labor
enslaved persons


The correct answer is C) women.

During the era of Reform, the last group to win the rights the fought for were women.

Women fought for their rights since the anti-slavery movement and they continue to fight until the civil rights movement in the 1970s. Step by step, women were gaining what they deserved. Let’s remember that in 1920, the 19th Amendment of the Constitution ratified the right for women to vote. Or the 1963 Equal Pay Act that allowed the same wage for the same kind of jobs regardless the nationality, color or sex of the worker.

The last group that won rights which they fought for were women. The reason for this is that women for example received the voting right in the 1970s in Switzerland. This is, of course, absurdingly late. All the other groups received the initial rights which they fought for, or which others fought for them, much sooner. 

Legends, folktales, fairy tales, and even proverbs and jokes make up the literary category of


Legends, folktales, fairy tales, and even proverbs and jokes make up the literary category of "folklore," since this is the "umbrella" category under which these rest. 

Okay so, I chose Folklore and got the answer wrong. My right answer was

Generational stories