Which of these nineteenth-century inventors is associated with Menlo Park in New Jersey? A. Cyrus W. Field. B. Thomas Alva Edison. C. Alexander Graham Bell. D. Gustavus F. Swift


Answer 1
Answer: The nineteenth-century inventor who is associated with Menlo Park in New Jersey is B. Thomas Alva Edison. 
He invented both the phonograph and a commercially viable incandescent light bulb filament here. 

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One idea shared by the mayflower compact and the declaration of independence was that all men needed to pay taxes. were equal under the law. should be free to worship as they chose. needed to support the government.


The taxation and supporting the government were significant themes in the development of both the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence, the idea that all men should be free to worship as they chose was a shared principle that emphasized religious freedom and individual liberties.

The Mayflower Compact, signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower ship in 1620, and the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1776, both expressed the idea that individuals should be free to worship as they chose.

The Mayflower Compact was a document created by the Pilgrims as a form of self-governance in the new land they were settling.

While it did not explicitly address taxation, it emphasized the establishment of a civil body politic that would enact just and equal laws for the general good of the colony.

The primary focus of the Mayflower Compact was on the consent of the governed and the establishment of a framework for self-government, rather than the specific issue of taxes.

On the other hand, the Declaration of Independence, which declared the American colonies' separation from Great Britain, prominently stated that all men are created equal and are endowed with unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This notion of equality under the law encompassed the freedom to worship according to one's beliefs without persecution or interference from the government.

The idea of religious freedom was deeply ingrained in the minds of the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth, and it was a fundamental value shared by the founding fathers who authored the Declaration of Independence.

They sought to establish a nation where individuals could practice their religious beliefs freely, without fear of coercion or discrimination.

For similar questions on taxation



The taxation and supporting the government were significant themes in the development of both the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence, the idea that all men should be free to worship as they chose was a shared principle that emphasized religious freedom and individual liberties.

The Mayflower Compact, signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower ship in 1620, and the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1776, both expressed the idea that individuals should be free to worship as they chose.

The Mayflower Compact was a document created by the Pilgrims as a form of self-governance in the new land they were settling.

While it did not explicitly address taxation, it emphasized the establishment of a civil body politic that would enact just and equal laws for the general good of the colony.

The primary focus of the Mayflower Compact was on the consent of the governed and the establishment of a framework for self-government, rather than the specific issue of taxes.

On the other hand, the Declaration of Independence, which declared the American colonies' separation from Great Britain, prominently stated that all men are created equal and are endowed with unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This notion of equality under the law encompassed the freedom to worship according to one's beliefs without persecution or interference from the government.

The idea of religious freedom was deeply ingrained in the minds of the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth, and it was a fundamental value shared by the founding fathers who authored the Declaration of Independence.

They sought to establish a nation where individuals could practice their religious beliefs freely, without fear of coercion or discrimination.

For similar questions on taxation



Why would you want to prevent "undesirables" like women, poor whites, and slaves from gaining an education?


first its being prejudice and bullying.  education led to respectable job led to popularity and public opinion finally changes in the goverment. if a rich boy is smart that is expected but if a poor boy is smarter it becomes embarissing so they try to put him down. people had this idea of levels and social order if you were born a slave why should you try to be something else you have your place in the world and social classes shouldn't mix and ideas like tradition striotypes, proper ethics. woman should be modest and in tradition that means being faithful and loyal to your husband. that turned into staying at home to obey his ever command. it was proper and even expected of a woman to follow her husbands ever desire, in high society but also in the town. schools were expensive so for income most poor boys just took up the family buisness, jumped a train to look for work and girls tried to find a dowlrey so that they could get married off. most poor people just followed the code do what they had to do and got pride for helping out their family. school was how to educate children to be proper members of society which was only really need in rich comunities. as school changed and the world having an education meant everything. the rich people did not want to associate them selves with poor so they tried to get rid of them. in the end public schools were created to give people jobs in factories.

What issue divided Shiite and Sunni Muslims?


After Muhammad's death, Muslims needed someone to rule according to their holy book, the Qu'ran. It divided the Muslims because of their disagreement on who they thought would be an ideal leader (caliph). Sunni's believed that any Muslim most capable of ruling should be able to rule, but the Shia believed that a Muslim leader would need to be a descendant from Muhammad and related in some way.

The original split between Sunni and Shi happened shortly after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. The Sunni people are considered as the orthodox branch of Islam, traditionally led by Ahl-al-Sunnah, which means people of tradition. They are guided by tradition and put it first. Shia emphasize learning by the successors of Muhammad.

After the first caliphates, after Muhammad's death, there was a dispute over who would manage caliphate, be caliph. The Caliphates were centers of political and religious power. The Sunnis had a stance, guided by the tradition, that any Muslim who proved to be capable could be a caliph, while Shia claimed that only the successors of Muhammad can be caliphs, those who are related to him.

Which of the following could be seen as a weakness of a two-party system?




white females


white males


African-Americans, male or female


young adults below the age of 25
