Compared with the US Constitution, how difficult is it to amend state constitutions?


Answer 1
Answer: The Constitution is difficult to amend because it requires a supermajority of either members of Congress or a supermajority of state legislatures to propose a new amendment for ratification. Even after acquiring the requisite two-thirds of either group to propose the amendment, it then has to be ratified by 75 percent of the states, either by their legislatures or state Constitutional conventions.

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Mental practice has been used to try to improve academic performance. In Taylor's study, for example, students who were asked to visualize themselves higher than students who were asked to visualize themselves seeing an a on the grade list. Some athletes use mental practice to try to improve performance.

Answer: HIGHER


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Charles II. 

The easy way to remember this is that both James I and Charles I came before the Civil War, and Charles II and James II came after the Civil War and before the Glorious Revolution.

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of a family with a strong foundation?a. similar interests
b. mutual respect
c. commitment to one another
d. effective communication


A strong foundation in a family would mean that the family members trust each other, can rely on each other and can deal with any possible conflicts.

For this, respect and commitment are necessary (for trust and being able to rely on each other) and in order to deal with conflicts effective communication is necessary.

The one thing which is not necessary is a. similar interests - this is the correct answer 

the answer is(A) SIMILAR INTERESTS

____ occurs when consumers change information that conflicts with their feelings or beliefs. a. Stimulus generalization b. Selective distortion c. Cognitive dissonance d. Selective retention



Selective distortion.


Selective distortion is the tendency of the people or consumers to take information in a way that support what they already believe. Consumers usually remember their experiences or perceptions regarding the products and due to which selective distortion has made it difficult for the marketers to build up good perception of their product.

For example, if a consumer is obsessed with particular brand and he has a car of that brand. Then he might think that the driving that car is so smooth and good even if actually it is not. If a user likes some particular brand's clothing then he will build a perception about their products as good and reliable.

Economists state that every decision involves trade-offs. economists measure and define these trade-offs as:


The choices can be found elsewhere and as follows:

a) productions possibilities curve
b) paradox of value
c) circular flow of economic activity
d) opportunity costs

I think the correct answer is option A. Economists measure and define these trade-offs as productions possibilities curve. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

In a direct primary, voters for a nominee through a delegate.
B.working to determine candidates for the nomination process for a nominee themselves, not through a delegate.
D.working to elect their candidate of choice in the general election.


The correct option is (c) voting for a nominee themselves, not through a delegate.

Further Explanation:

A direct primary election in which people vote for candidates of their political party by voting for a nominee directly instead of by delegate at a convention. It is of two types: direct and indirect primary. Direct primary is the most preferred way of conducting ‘primary elections’. An example of this type of election is California’s primary election. In which ‘registered voters’ vote for the candidate in the political party who then represents the party in the final election.

In a direct primary, voters vote for a nominee or a candidate directly. It’s opposite to the indirect primary in which voters choose the delegate then the delegate chooses party’s candidates at a later convention. For example, presidential preference primary is the indirect primary whereas Pennsylvania state primary is the direct primary

Learn More:

1. Why unequal access to basic services amount to social injustice?

2. "The world on turtle's back" is a creation myth because it focuses on characters whom the Iroquois considered "gods." is an Iroquoian story about people and animals who talk to each other. Explains how the Iroquois believe that the earth was created. Describes Iroquoian social and cultural values.

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Elections

Subject: Social Studies


direct primary, indirect primary, delegate, convention, political party, primary elections, nominee

voting directly for a nominee rather than through a delegate voting occurs in a direct primary. As a result, choice (C) is accurate.

In a democracy, voters cast ballots to select their preferred candidate from a field of contenders, which is how the government is chosen.

Elections will most likely be held between two competing parties. The two most well-known and well-established political parties in the nation will be these two.

For instance, in the US, the Democrats and the Republicans are in rivalry. Voting is the means through which the person chosen to represent the people in a system of indirect democracy makes decisions.

Learn more about voting, from :