What is Apple in German?

Im not sure if it is Apfel or not! HELP PLEASE?


Answer 1
Answer: der APFEL is the answer

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What is the difference between "Herr" and "Herrn"?


Herr, in German, means mister, sir, gentleman, or in elevated cases, lord or master.

It's important to realize something about German: cases.
There are four different cases in German, and they are:
nominative - when something acts as a subject
(the person doing the action)
accusative - when something acts as a direct object
(the thing the action happens to)
dative - when something acts as an indirect object
(like accusative but preceded by to, at, in, etc.)
genitive - when something acts as possessing something.
(the person to whom something belongs)

Here's a sample sentence.
He came into the garage and stole John's bike.
The subject, he, is nominative.
The direct object, the bike, is accusative.
The indirect object, the garage, is dative.
The person possessing something, John, is in the genitive.

In English, cases don't matter very much.
However, in German they are extremely important.
German cases even change how to write and say words.
(This is called declension.)

Herr will appear as Herrn because of its declension.
In the nominative, it's Herr.
In any other case, it's Herrn. (i.e., when it's acting as the object of a sentence)
When it's plural, it's always Herren.

Herr, in German, means mister, sir, gentleman, or in elevated cases, lord or master.

What does the words mean?

It's important to realize something about German: cases.

There are four different cases in German, and they are:

nominative - when something acts as a subject (the person doing the action)

accusative - when something acts as a direct object

(the thing the action happens to)

dative - when something acts as an indirect object(like accusative but preceded by to, at, in, etc.)

genitive - when something acts as possessing something. 8the person to whom something belongs)

Leaen more about Germany



RAPPEL On peut exprimer la cause à l'aide de-La conjonction de coordination denn (.
donc pas d'influence sur la place du verbe qui reste en
Riane will Tieraratin werden, denn sen sehr tierlied
-La conjonction de subordination weil (
subordonnées, le verbe conjugué reste en.
-Ralf mochte Pilot werden, weil er gera rrist
.). Celle-ci occupe la position o et n'a
.). Comme dans toutes les
). Celui-ci se place.
- L'adverbe nämlich (.
conjugué. Il ne peut pas occuper la première position.
Ich wurde gern Krankenschwester werden Ich möchte nämlich Menschen pflegen
le verbe


Il semble que vous ayez fourni des exemples et des règles de grammaire en allemand pour exprimer la cause à l'aide de différentes conjonctions et adverbes. Cela semble être un exercice de grammaire en allemand. Si vous avez des questions spécifiques concernant ces règles ou si vous avez besoin d'aide pour les comprendre, n'hésitez pas à poser des questions précises, et je serai heureux de vous aider.

How do you say, bear in German?


the answer is
Bär Hope this helped :)
Bar, and spell it with an umlot over the "a" as in, Bär.  It is roughly still sounded out the same as in english, bear.

Which of the following words come from the Germanic word meaning "leading man" of the tribe or family? A. Democracy B. Monarchy C. Aristocracy D. Chieftain



D. Chieftain



D. Chieftain


A popular food to eat in Germany that is found in great variety is:


I hope that this is right.

Accompanied by a side salad, dumplings and red cabbage or less commonly sauerkraut.

A popular food to eat in Germany is bread

The brown-headed cowbirds lay eggs in other birds' nests. They trick the birds into raising their young. The cowbirds hatch first and push the eggs out of the nest. The cowbirds are then fed by the nest-builder.



Cowbirds are brood parasites, which means females lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and let the other mother bird do all of the rearing.

Der braunköpfige Cowbird legt Eier in die Neste der anderen Vögel. Sie bringen die Vögel dazu ihre Jungen großzuziehen. Zuerst schlüpfen die Cowbirds und stoßen die anderen Eier aus dem Nest. Die Cowbirds werden dann vom Nestbauer gefüttert.