Why is it important for scientists to develop a way to grow tissues that have a built-in system to supply blood


Answer 1
  • It is important for the scientists to grow the tissues that have a built in system to supply blood to decreases the chances of organ rejection.
  • There is a very serious issue regarding this the transplanted organ does not gets the vascular blood supply which is the main reason for organ rejection.
  • If there will be tissues with its own blood supply then it will not be ejected by the body.
Answer 2
Answer: A lack of blood flow determines the number of cell layers that can
survive when they are transplanted

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D, because it says,"surrounded by flowering trees and conifers"

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Thats wrong. the right answer is B Neutrophils


Which part of the nephron is involved in filtration? proximal convoluted tubule peritubular capillary loop of Henle glomerular capsule.



The correct answer is glomerular capsule.


The glomerular capsule or the Bowman's capsule refers to a cup-like sack at the initiation of the tubular part of a nephron in the kidney of a mammal, which performs the initial step in the filtration of blood to produce urine. In Bowman's capsule, the blood filtration process is termed as glomerular filtration or ultrafiltration.  

The usual rate of filtration is 125 millimeters per minute. Any small molecules like glucose, water, amino acids, salts, and urea can pass into the Bowman's space without any hindrance, however, the platelets, cells, and large proteins do not passes through.  

Final answer:

The glomerular capsule, or Bowman's capsule, of the nephron in the kidney is responsible for the process of filtration, separating smaller molecules from larger ones.


The part of the nephron involved in filtration is the glomerular capsule, also known as Bowman's capsule. The process of filtration occurs here, where blood under high pressure flows into the glomerulus from the afferent arteriole and the filtered kidney filtrate moves into the tubule system of the nephron. This process separates smaller molecules like water, glucose, and salts from larger molecules such as proteins and cells, preventing them from being lost in urine.

Learn more about glomerular capsule here:



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