In rapidly changing times, your career planning must include


Answer 1
Answer: It must include ways to upgrade your skills.

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Which is most commonly associated with the presidencies of Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding?a. depression in business
b. corruption of public officials
c. humanitarian reforms
d. territorial expansion


Corruption of public officials is most commonly associated with the presidencies of Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "b". Both the presidents of the United States of America were plagued by serious scandals that involved the members that found a place in their cabinet.

Which court has original jurisdiction in limited civil and criminal cases affecting about 825 entities across Texas? a. Municipal Court
b. Justice Court
c. Court of Appeals
d. County Court
e. District Court


The answer would be C. Court of Appeals. These courts have limited original writ jurisdiction.
e; because original jurisdiction is the authority of a court to hear cases for the first time. and district courts are the first to hear the case. 100% of all cases are first taken to the district court 

Eliza remembers her grandfather telling the story of how he met her grandmother 50 years ago. Eliza’s grandpa has these memories stored in his __________ memory.A.short-term


Eliza’s grandpa has these memories stored in his long-term memory. The correct option is B.

What is memory?

Memory, remembrance, recollection, and reminiscence refer to the ability or act of remembering, as well as the thing remembered. Memory refers to both the ability to remember and what is remembered.

Long-term memory is the storage of information over an extended period of time. This type of memory is usually stable and can last for a long time often years.

Long-term memory is further classified into two types: explicit (conscious) memory and implicit (unconscious) memory.

The ability to recall a small amount of information from a recent time period is referred to as short-term memory.

As Eliza remembers her grandfather telling the story of how he met her grandmother 50 years ago. This is related to the long-termmemory.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding memory, visit:


B.long-term, best choice.

As the United States became industrialized, an important effect of mechanization and the division of labor was thata. smaller industries had difficulty maintaining their competitiveness.
b. the price of most manufactured goods increased.
c. the demand to improve transportation systems decreased.
d. pools and trusts became less efficient forms of business organization.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. smaller industries had difficulty maintaining their competitiveness." Mechanization & the division of labor assigns to the various geographic areas specific functions in complex processes of production. It makes some areas urban, others rural.

Which connection is the head start program attempting to make?


The Head Start is a program established in the United States to provided comprehensive education, health, and parent involvement service. An example of a program that heads start to make is having more education to have higher salaries. The head start program is launched in 1965 by Jule Sugarman.

The correct answer is :

More education = higher salaries

WORTH 20 POINTS!:)1. True or False
Hypnotic suggestion has been shown to help patients prep and recover from surgery.

2. True or False
Hypnosis is commonly used by athletes to control their performance anxiety.

3. True or False
Everyone can be hypnotized.

4. True or False
Some believe that the effects of hypnosis may not be from hypnosis but from people believing that hypnosis works.


1. True, a significant number of people have shown speedier recovery with hypnosis, and surgical wounds heal faster. But the same has been seen with prayer. And zen meditation.

2. True, many athletes—and musicians, and dancers—have used hypnosis to overcome performance anxiety. The same can be said of Bach flower remedy. Or, again, zen meditation.

3. False, not everyone can be hypnotized. Probably the biggest reason is that one must be willing, otherwise no attempt at hypnosis is going to be effective.

4. Of course true, many people believe the effects of hypnosis come from people believing it will work. And the same can be said of prayer, and Bach flower remedies, and meditation, etc...

There is evidence that the mind can influence healing in the body. Perhaps the effectiveness of hypnosis is primarily or entirely due to the expectation that it will work. Perhaps that is the definition of hypnosis anyway.
1) True, there are reports of hypnosis helping people recover from fears as well as surgeries. 2) False, most athletes prefer to maintain in the clearest state of mind in advance of athletic endeavors. 3) False, there are reports of people not being able to be hypnotized. 4) True, many believe you have to believe in hypnosis for it to work.