Write out the base sequence that is added directly after the primer. In order for Moodle to correctly grade this question, write only the letters representing the bases, write your answer in 5' to 3' direction, and do not have any spaces between the letters and do not label the 5' and 3' ends.


Answer 1


see explaination


please kindly see attachment for the step by step solution of the given problem.

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____ produces a full-featured, working model of the information system. A. Loose coupling B. Fourth-generation modeling C. System prototyping D. Web servicing



C.system prototyping


Prototyping produces a quickly constructed working version of the proposed information system.




System prototyping



c. system prototyping


system prototyping  produces a full-featured, working model of the information system.

Write a program to calculate how much to tip a waiter person based on the quality of service. The script file should ask for the amount of the check and whether the service was good, fair or poor. If the service was good, the tip should be 20%. If the service was fair, the tip should be 15%. If the service was poor, the tip should be 5%. The program should display the tip and the total of the check including the tip.



Since Python is a scripting language, here is code in python.

#prompt user to give check

amount=float(input("Please Enter the check:"))

#prompt user to give service

service=input("Please Enter the service (good, fair or poor):")

# calculate tip on the basis of service

if service =="good":


elif service=="fair":


elif service=="poor":


#calculate total


#print tip

print("tip is equal to : {} ".format(tip))

#print total

print("total of the check is : {} ".format(total))


Prompt user to give check and service input.After taking the input from user, based on the service tip will be calculated. if service is "good" then tip will be 20% of the check, tip will be 15% if service is "fair" and tip will be 5% if service is "poor".


Please Enter the check:125                                                                                                

Please Enter the service (good, fair or poor):good                                                                        

tip is equal to : 25.0                                                                                                    

total of the check is : 150.0

In C++, write a program that asks the user to input an integer and then calls a function namedmultiplicationTable(), which displays the results of multiplying the integer by each
of the numbers 2 through 10.



//Program in C++.

// header

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// function to multiply number with 2-10

void multiplicationTable(int num)


   cout<<"Number when multiplied with 2-10:"<<endl;

   for(int a=2;a<=10;a++)


   // multiply number with 2-10

      cout << num << " * " << a << " = " << num*a << endl;



// driver function

int main()


// variable

   int num;

   cout<<"Enter a number:";

   // read number from user


   // call the function


return 0;



Read a number from user and assign it to variable "num".Call the function  multiplicationTable() with parameter "num".In this function, multiply number  with each from 2 to 10 and print the value.


Enter a number:5                                                                                                          

Number when multiplied with 2-10:                                                                                          

5 * 2 = 10                                                                                                                

5 * 3 = 15                                                                                                                

5 * 4 = 20                                                                                                                

5 * 5 = 25                                                                                                                

5 * 6 = 30                                                                                                                

5 * 7 = 35                                                                                                                

5 * 8 = 40                                                                                                                

5 * 9 = 45                                                                                                                

5 * 10 = 50

Give an example of a function from N to N that is:______.a) one-to-one but not onto
b) onto but not one-to-one
c) neither one-to-one nor onto



Let f be a function

a) f(n) = n²

b) f(n) = n/2

c) f(n) = 0


a) f(n) = n²

This function is one-to-one function because the square of two different or distinct natural numbers cannot be equal.

Let a and b are two elements both belong to N i.e. a ∈ N and b ∈ N. Then:

                                f(a) = f(b) ⇒ a² = b² ⇒ a = b

The function f(n)= n² is not an onto function because not every natural number is a square of a natural number. This means that there is no other natural number that can be squared to result in that natural number.  For example 2 is a natural numbers but not a perfect square and also 24 is a natural number but not a perfect square.

b) f(n) = n/2

The above function example is an onto function because every natural number, lets say n is a natural number that belongs to N, is the image of 2n. For example:

                                f(2n) = [2n/2] = n

The above function is not one-to-one function because there are certain different natural numbers that have the same value or image. For example:

When the value of n=1, then    

                                   n/2 = [1/2] = [0.5] = 1

When the value of n=2 then

                                    n/2 = [2/2] = [1] = 1

c) f(n) = 0

The above function is neither one-to-one nor onto. In order to depict that a function is not one-to-one there should be two elements in N having same image and the above example is not one to one because every integer has the same image.  The above function example is also not an onto function because every positive integer is not an image of any natural number.

in C, Print the two strings, firstString and secondString, in alphabetical order. Assume the strings are lowercase. End with newline. Sample output: capes rabbits



View Images.

Image1  = the code

Image2 = testcase 1

Image3 = testcase 2

Image4 = testcase 3

/* Q1. (20 points)Create a stored procedure sp_Q1 that takes two country names like 'Japan' or 'USA'as two inputs and returns two independent sets of rows: (1) all suppliers in the input countries, and (2) products supplied by these suppliers. The returned suppliers should contain SupplierID, CompanyName, Phone, and Country. The returned products require their ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, SupplierID, and must sorted by SupplierID.You should include 'go' to indicate the end of script that creates the procedure and you must include a simple testing script to call your sp_Q1 using 'UK' and 'Canada' as its two inputs\.\**For your reference only: A sample solution shows this procedure can be created in11 to 13 lines of code. Depending on logic and implementation or coding style, yoursolution could be shorter or longer\.\*/



See the program code at explaination



atcountry1 NVARCHAR(15),

atcountry2 NVARCHAR(15)




SELECT SupplierID, CompanyName, Phone, Country FROM suppliers

where Country in (atcountry1,atcountry2)

SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, SupplierID FROM Products

where SupplierID in(

SELECT SupplierID FROM suppliers

where Country in (atcountry1,atcountry2)) ORDER BY SupplierID




-- Testing script.


DECLARE atcountry1 nvarchar(15)

DECLARE atcountry2 nvarchar(15)

-- Set parameter values here.

set atcountry1='UK'

set atcountry2='Canada'

EXECUTE atRC = [dbo].[sp_Q1]




Note: please kindly replace all the "at" with the correct at symbol.

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