And often is his gold complexion dimm'dWhich syllables should Amber highlight? Check all that apply.









Answer 1
Answer: And,often,is,gold,com

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Which of the following sentences best describes Douglass’s opinion about slavery?a.Slavery degrades the slaveholder by killing his or her conscience.b.Slavery prevents slave children from reaching their potential.c.Slavery is degrading to both the slaveholder and the enslaved.d. Slavery makes even the kindest people cruel and heartless.
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Upton sinclair was famous for his work in


Upton Sinclair was famous for his work in the novel "The jungle" that focuses the problems faced in meatpacking industries.

Further Explanation:

Upton Sinclair was one of the activists and a writer who wrote the famous novels "The Jungle" and "Boston". "The Jungle" is his bestselling novel published in 1906. He involved his life in the injustices faced by the people prevailing in society. In the novel "The Jungle" he threw light on the plight and injustices happening in the meatpacking industry. The hardships and the struggles faced by the people working in the industry was his main concern in the novel which made the novel the best seller. In the year 1904 Sinclair was selected by one of the socialist newspaper 'Appeal to Reason' to go to Chicago and write about the mistreatment happening to the workers in the meatpacking industry. He conducted extensive research on the issue and came up with the masterpiece "The Jungle". At first, the novel was not given much attention to get published but later when it got published it brought a lot of change in the mind-set of the people. The cruelty which the animals had to undergo and the unhygienic condition faced by the people working there changed the ways of people to shop for food. Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act were the initiatives taken by the government in 1906 in response to the issue.

Learn more:

1. Which of these is not an example of a paradox?

2. "the world on turtle's back" is a creation myth because?

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: English Literature

Chapter: "The Jungle" by  Upton Sinclair


Upton Sinclair,  The Jungle,  meatpacking industry,  socialist newspaper, 'Appeal to Reason' , Pure Food and Drug Act,  Meat Inspection Act.

He was famous for his work in influential political writings

How many characters' thoughts does the reader have access to in a second-person narrative? A) one
B) two
C) all
D) none
E) three


The correct option is A.

When writing a story, the author can chose to express his viewpoint in first person, second person or third person. When an author expresses his opinions using the second person narration method, it means that the author is telling the story to another character. In this case, the pronouns that the author will use are 'You and Your, Yourself, Yours and Yourselves.

A) One which is the person telling the story. The second person telling the story is telling it to us. You know you, you're and your

In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis, when Mr. Samsa first sees Gregor transformed into an insect, he makes a fist at him as if to punch him. What does this action show about Mr. Samsa's attitude toward his son? A. his antagonistic feelings regarding his sonB. his disappointment over his son's new form
C. his emotional attachment to his son
D. his double standards regarding his son
E. his indifference toward his son


The correct answer of this question is option A. Mr. Samsa have antagonistic feelings regarding his son when Gregor transformed into an insect. He viewed the metamorphosis of Gregor with disgust and fear. Gregor feels trapped within his father's failures.




In the novel The Rise of Silas Lapham, the newly rich title character struggles to acquire ____ manners. A.





The correct answer is C. Genteel

It means basically that he wants to behave like people in the high society behave.

SAT Question of the Day:Although his close friends and colleagues see him as outgoing and -------, Milo usually feels shy and unsure of himself.
(A) cautious
(B) resigned
(C) confident
(D) generous
(E) patient


Although his close friends and colleagues see him as outgoing and GENEROUS Milo usually feels shy and unsure of himself.

confiedent is the answer(I think!)

“Ladies and gentlemen—” said the ballerina, reading the bulletin. She must have been extraordinarily beautiful, because the mask she wore was hideous. And it was easy to see that she was the strongest and most graceful of all the dancers, for her handicap bags were as big as those worn by two-hundred-pound men.What is ironic about this excerpt?
The ballerina is described as beautiful, but she is actually hideous.
The news bulletin being read on the television is about Harrison.
The ballerina is able to read the news bulletin flawlessly while wearing a mask and handicap bags.
The handicaps devised to conceal the ballerina’s strength and beauty actually accentuate them.


The fact that is ironic about this excerpt is this:

  • The handicaps devised to conceal the ballerina’s strength and beauty actually accentuate them.

What is an Irony?

An ironical statement is one that reveals the opposite of the intended meaning. In the text above, we see an example of irony because instead of the big handicap bag concealing the beauty of the girl, it actually highlighted it.

Also, although the ballerina wore a hideous mask, the narrator still guessed that she must have been beautiful. This is ironic because we might expect someone wearing something hideous to be ugly. So, option D is right.

Learn more about irony here:


The correct answer is: D. - The handicaps devised to conceal the ballerina’s strength and beauty actually accentuate them.

Other Questions
Damon and PythiasDamon and Pythias had been the best of friends since childhood. Each trusted the other like a brother, and each knew in his heart there was nothing he would not do for his friend. Eventually the time came for them to prove the depth of their devotion. It happened in this way.Dionysius, the ruler of Syracuse, grew annoyed when he heard about the kind of speeches Pythias was giving. The young scholar was telling the public that no man should have unlimited power over another and that absolute tyrants were unjust kings. In a fit of rage, Dionysius summoned Pythias and his friend.“Who do you think you are, spreading unrest among the people?” he demanded.“I spread only the truth,” Pythias answered. “There can be nothing wrong with that.”“And does your truth hold that kings have too much power and that their laws are not good for their subjects?”“If a king has seized power without permission of the people, then that is what I say.”“This kind of talk is treason,” Dionysius shouted. “You are conspiring to overthrow me. Retract what you’ve said, or face the consequences.”“I will retract nothing,” Pythias answered.“Then you will die. Do you have any last requests?”“Yes. Let me go home just long enough to say goodbye to my wife and children and to put my household in order.”“I see you not only think I’m unjust, you think I’m stupid as well,” Dionysius laughed scornfully. “If I let you leave Syracuse, I have no doubt I will never see you again.”“I will give you a pledge,” Pythias said.“He will keep his word,” Damon replied. “I have no doubt of that.”“What kind of pledge could you possibly give to make me think you will ever return?” Dionysius demanded.At that instant Damon, who had stood quietly beside his friend, stepped forward.“I will be his pledge,” he said. “Keep me here in Syracuse, as your prisoner until Pythias returns. Our frienship is well known to you. You can be sure Pythias will return so long as you hold me.”Dionysius studied the two friends silently. “Very well,” he said at last. “But if you are willing to take the plce of your friend, you must be willing to accept his sentence if he breaks his promise. If Pythias does not return to Syracuse, you will die in his place.”Pythias was allowed to go free for a time, and Damon was thrown into prison. After several days, when Pythias failed to reappear, Dionysius’s curiosity got the better of him, and he went to the prison to see if Damon was yet sorry he had made such a bargain.“Your time is almost up,” the ruler of Syracuse sneered. “It will be useless to beg for mercy. You were a fool to rely on your friend’s promise. Did you really think he would sacrifice his life for you or anyone else?“He has merely been delayed,” Damon answered steadily. “The winds have kept him from sailing, or perhaps he has met with some accident on the road. But if it is humanly possible, he will be here on time. I am as confident of his virtue as I am of my own existence.”Dionysius was startled at the prisoner’s confidence. “We shall soon see,” he said and left Damon in his cell.The fatal day arrived. Damon was brought from prison and led before the executioner. Dionysius greeted him with a smug smile.“It seems your friend has not turned up,” he laughed. “What do you think of him now?”“He is my friend,” Damon answered. “I trust him.”Even as he spoke, the doors flew open, and Pythias staggered into the room. He was pale and bruised and half speechless from exhaustion. He rushed to the arms of his friend.“You are safe, praise the gods,” he gasped. “It seemed as though the fates were conspiring against us. My ship was wrecked in a storm, and then bandits attacked me on the road. But I refused to give up hope, and at last I’ve made it back in time. I am ready to receive my sentence of death.”Dionysius heard his words with astonishment. His eyes and his heart were opened. It was impossible for him to resist the power of such constancy.“The sentence is revoked,” he declared. “I never believed that such faith and loyalty could exist in friendship. You have shown me how wrong I was, and it is only right that you be rewarded with your freedom. But I ask that in return you do me one great service.”“What service do you mean?” the friends asked.“Teach me how to be part of so worthy a friendship.”The first paragraph of this story mostly provides the reader with __________. a. the crisis or turning point in the storyb. the specific obstacles the characters will facec. complications that contribute to the rising actiond. information to establish characters and background