
Answer 1
Answer: Environmental injustice is the situation in which the poor are disproportionately affected by the environment and the challenges it has for people. Two examples are:

-income inequality (social issue) means that some people can afford air climatization while others can't.

- some countries, typically poorer countries, such as Bangladesh are more affected by the floods caused by the global warming, despite the richer countries being more responsible for global warming.
Answer 2


Examples of Environmental injustices includes: environmental pollution, food shortage, insufficient transportation and income inequality.


Environmental injustice is associated with unlimited resources. It is a disproportionate of exposure of communities of color and poor to unpleasant situation like pollution which has adverse effect on health and the environment in addition to unfair environmental protection provided through laws, regulations, governmental programmes and policies.

Further Explanation:

Environment injustices are basically exploiting a group of people to benefit another. It is common in the United States and the world in general. It is assessed that a higher level of unsafe waste dumps are situated in or close to lower-salary or minority groups.  

Example of environmental injustices include: Environmental pollution (air and water pollution), inaccessibility to healthy foods, insufficient transportation and income inequality.

  1. Environmental pollution: poor people are affected by environmental pollution because they live in environment that is harmful to their health. While some people can afford to live in areas that are free from pollution, people living in poverty wouldn’t be able to afford it and this endanger their lives
  2. Inaccessibility to healthy food is another major example of environmental injustice. Poor people most times don’t eat what they want, they settle for what they see. Food insecurity is very important if environmental injustice is to be addressed. It has adverse effect on low-income earners and racial minority populations. As stated earlier, insufficient transportation and income inequality are also great examples of environmental injustices.



  • insufficient transportation and income inequality
  • insufficient transportation and income
  • transportation and income inequality
  • examples of environmental injustices
  • transportation and income

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