How can a metaphor help the reader better understand society as a whole?


Answer 1
Answer: it can help the reader better understand what is either happening or has happened because it needs to convey an understanding about the mechanics of the world and the behavior of the people within it.

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Answer and explanation:

In the novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, the great fear the British had of what was exotic and foreign is explored. During the Victorian era, England saw itself as a nation with a colonizing mission. Having other nations under its control and being in touch with so many different cultures, it comes as no surprise that England saw diversity as a threat. A country with several languages, customs, and beliefs is much more difficult to subjugate and keep under control than a uniform one. England was, thus, afraid of reverse colonization, of the West being influenced by the Eastern countries they once invaded. The novel tries to define the West in a positive and civilized light, describing Dracula's country as, different, inferior, even barbaric:

In the population of Transylvania there are four distinct nationalities: Saxons  in the South, and mixed with them the Wallachs, who are the descendants of  the Dacians; Magyars in the West, and Szekelys in the East and North. I am  going among the latter, who claim to be descended from Attila and the Huns. (Stoker 2)

Transylvania is not England. Our ways are not your  ways, and there shall be to you many strange  things.” (Stoker 23)

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When it comes to speeches, using the word "you" is used to make those at home feel like they are being directly spoken with, and are important. Presidential speeches will often appeal to the masses by using terms like "all you folks at home" or "the people" to create a sense of unity within their followers(? or whatever you'd call them)  

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13,000 4,000 That one is easy. You see what the 795 and 845 is closest to it would be either 12,000 and 3,000 or 13,000 and 4,000 and its 13,000 and 4,000

Hey there - I need help thinking of a different word in place of 'carried' in my paper. Here is the sentence I need to change =)Carter Druse carries on without even the smallest thought of how his actions would forever impact the family he left behind. After the brutal murder of his father, his commanding Sergeant was horrified by his actions. Almost emotionless, Carter simply carried on with his watch.


Some synonyms may be used in place of "carry". To carry on has the same sense as to continue, to proceed or to keep on going, for instance.

We could rewrite the sentences in the following way:

Carter Druse keeps on going without even the smallest thought... Almost emotionless, Carter simply proceeded with his watch.


Carter Druse goes on without even the smallest thought... Almost emotionless, Carter simply continued with his watch.

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Bias means when someone uses favoritism. When you are being unfair by making your opinion make you chose a certain options. For example, someone was asked to chose a contestant on a dance competition by their turns and facial expression. You saw the one of the two contestants earlier before the competition and they said said "THAT is the judge?" woah there are old. That made you upset so you chose the other contestant because you were mad. If you make your own opinions about something you are comparing then you are not being fair about one subject you talk about in Comparison and Contrast. 

Hope this helps you out! #UrWelcome

Which of these situations qualify as plagiarism


Plagiarism is when you copy someone else's work (usually word by word) and you do not acknowledge that you where not the person who wrote it, also, you do not cite where you received that info from. That is why we have copyright laws, where the author can choose whether to establish a penalty if copied. 
plagiarism is copying something directly from something else.