Mangrove pneumatophore roots _______.a.
prop the trees up above the water line
excrete excess salt
absorb carbon dioxide from the air
none of the above


Answer 1

Correct answer: A). Prop the trees up above the water line

Mangrove pneumatophore is the specialized root structures that are known to grow out of the water surface and help in the respiration of mangrove plants. They allow the collect oxygen from the atmosphere.

It mainly grows in mud and there the conditions are anaerobic means lack of oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for their survival that is done by the mangrove pneumatophore roots.  

Hence, the correct answer would be option A.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Mangrove pneumatophore roots mainly prop the trees up above the water line to intake necessary oxygen from the air for survival, but they do not practically absorb carbon dioxide from the air.


Mangrove pneumatophore roots have a distinctive function in the survival of Mangrove trees in their saline, oxygen-poor environments. The correct answer to your question is that mangrove pneumatophore roots indeed prop the trees up above the water line (option a). These roots emerge from the water, allowing Mangrove trees to intake the necessary oxygen for survival. While they also partake in the limited excretion of excess salt, their main function is undeniably oxygen absorption from the air and supporting their physical structure.

However, the roots do not absorb carbon dioxide from the air (option c). Thus, although options a and b reflect partial truth, option a accurately captures the characteristic function of pneumatophore roots.

Learn more about Mangrove pneumatophore roots here:


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The Doppler effect suggests that sound waves are relative to the observer. You know if an object is coming or going from the sound it makes. Light waves follow the Doppler effect also. However, instead of sound changing, you know if an object is coming or going _____.


from the brightness of the light of course. If the brightness is increasing it means the the light source is approaching and if the brightness is decreasing it means the light source is leaving.


The light waves also follow the Doppler effect. However, instead of changing the sound, you know whether an object is coming or going through the brightness of the light.


The doppler effect is a physical phenomenon. This phenomenon allows us to perceive if an object is approaching or moving away through the wave effect that that object produces in relation to an observer. This is because when a wave is propagated the speed of that wave depends on the environment in which it is being emitted. For this reason, the speed of this wave will be constant even if the observer moves, but the frequency and movement of this wave varies in relation to the observer's position. In this case, the Doppler effect suggests that the sound waves are relative to the observer. You know if an object is coming in or out of the sound it produces. The light waves also follow the Doppler effect. However, instead of changing the sound, you know whether an object is coming or going through the brightness of the light.

Approximately how many olfactory receptor cells do we have in total?



50 Million


The olfactory area in humans is about 2.5 cm2 wide and contains a number of about 50 million receptor cells with 8–20 cilia down in a layer of mucus of about 60 microns thick, produced by Bowmann glands in the olfactory epithelium

Final answer:

Humans possess approximately 400 different types of olfactory receptors, expressed by olfactory sensory neurons in the nose. Each receptor binds to odorant molecules, triggering signals to the brain to recognize different odors. The exact number of olfactory receptor cells is in the millions.


Humans have approximately 400 different types of olfactory receptors. These receptors are expressed by certain genes and each one is capable of recognizing a different type of odorant molecule. Interestingly, although humans can detect about 10,000 different smells, it is suggested that there may be up to 1.72 trillion different recognizable smells in the world.

The receptors are located in the olfactory neurons in the olfactory epithelium within the nasal cavity. The neurons are specialized, with each olfactory sensory neuron carrying only one type of receptor. The receptors bind to the odorants and send signals to the olfactory bulb in the brain, and then to other locations such as the olfactory cortex.

The specific number of olfactory receptor cells in the human body may vary, but it is estimated to be in the millions. Each receptor cell has multiple hair-like cilia that contain the odorant-binding receptor proteins. When an odor molecule binds to a receptor, it causes a response in the sensory cell which then transmits the information to the brain for processing.

Learn more about Olfactory Receptors here:


Which element is found in nucleic acids but not in proteins?


Phosphorus is the element found in nucleic acids but not in proteins.

Further Explanation


  • Proteins are one of the major biomolecules that exists in nature.
  • They are made of amino acids which are the building blocks. Amino acids contain four different elements which include;
  1. Hydrogen  
  2. Oxygen  
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Carbon
  5. Some amino acid contains sulfur element.

Nucleic acids

  • Nucleic acids are one of the four major bio-molecules in nature. Nuclei acids is divided into two; RNA and DNA.
  • The building blocks of nucleic acids are Nucleotide bases which are made by a nitrogenous base, a sugar and a phosphate group.


  • DNA is a nuclei acid that is responsible for carrying genetic information in living organisms.
  • It is through DNA that genetic information is passed from one organism to another through the process of DNA replication.
  • Additionally, it carries the information that is used to make proteins which performs various functions in living cells.
  • Each Nucleotide in DNA contains a nitrogenous base, a deoxyribose sugar, and a phosphate group.
  • DNA molecules are made up of nitrogenous bases; Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine.


  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a type of nucleic acid, a molecule that plays a major role in the flow of information from the DNA to the proteins. For a gene to be expressed information has to be passed through the RNA.
  • Each nucleotide in RNA contains a nitrogenous base, a ribose sugar, and a phosphate group.
  • Nitrogenous bases in RNA includes; Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and uracil. Thymine in DNA is replaced with Uracil.

Keywords: DNA, RNA, Nitrogenous bases  

Learn more about:  

Level: High school

Subject; Biology

Topic; Nucleic acids

Sub-topic: RNA and DNA structure

The element is found in nucleic acids but not in proteins are the Phosphorous.

Nucleic acids are polynucleotides, which are long chainlike polymers made up of essentially identical nucleotide building components. Each nucleotide is made up of a nitrogen-containing aromatic base that is linked to a pentose (five-carbon) sugar, which is then linked to a phosphate group.

Proteins are composed of hundreds or thousands of smaller units known as amino acids that are linked together in lengthy chains. A protein is made up of 20 different types of amino acids that can be mixed. The sequence of amino acids determines each protein's distinct three-dimensional structure and function.

Thus, Phosphorous is the element which is found in nucleic acid but not in proteins.

Learn more about Nucleic Acid here,


What was the difference between Darwin and Lamarck? A. The idea of mutations was understood by both, but Lamarck was able to prove it. B. Lamarck was able to explain evolution with evidence, something Darwin did not do. C. Darwin was able to explain evolution with evidence, something Lamarck did not do. D. The idea of mutations was understood by both, but Darwin was able to prove it. I know it is definetly not b and c because they both had that in common


The main difference between Darwin and Lamarck was that "D. The idea of mutations was understood by both, but Darwin was able to prove it" although this is a lot like answer C...
The opposition between Darwin and Lamarck is D)  The idea of mutations was understood by both, but Darwin was able to prove it.
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