What is the theme of The Butterfly Poem by Pavel Friedmann


Answer 1
Answer: It tells the story about an individual imprisoned in the Ghetto, who contemplates about the last butterfly he saw. The contrast of freedom, symbolized by the butterfly versus imprisonment, symbolized by the ghetto is the main theme of the poem.

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that should be the answer :)


It is militiamen


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*Colons are uses upon introducing items.

*Do not use capital letters after a colon except if it’sa proper noun.

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In comparing oak tree with a maple tree, you can correctly say that


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Oak is often used for furniture so C is FALSE
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The answer is B. Maple roots often Do invade water lines.

In the word unicorn, uni- means:
a. Zero
b. Magical
c. Horn
d. One


In the word "unicorn," the prefix "uni-" means "one." Therefore, the correct answer is d, which is one. The prefix "uni-" is derived from the Latin word "unus," which means "one." It is commonly used as a prefix in English to indicate singularity or oneness.

The term "unicorn" is used to describe a mythical creature typically depicted as a horse-like creature with a single horn on its forehead. The use of the prefix "uni-" in "unicorn" emphasizes the presence of one horn, distinguishing it from other horned creatures that may have multiple horns or no horns at all. The connection between the prefix "uni-" and the concept of "one" is significant in the context of the unicorn's symbolism and mythology.

Learn more about prefixes here.



In the word unicorn, uni- means One