How do you test a hypothesis using scientific inquiry


Answer 1
Answer: Once you have constructed an effective hypothesis, the next step in the scientific inquiry process is to test the hypothesis through experimentation. This is a great opportunity for students to start a science notebook, if they have not yet started recording their progress. Steps to Identifying and Conducting an Appropriate Experiment to Test a Hypothesis 1) Present Hypotheses  Make a list of all potential hypotheses to be tested. 2) Make Predictions  For each hypothesis, ask what would be true if the hypothesis were true. 3) Write the Experimental Procedure  The experimental procedure is a step-by-step recipe for the science experiment. A good procedure contains enough detail that someone else could easily duplicate the experiment. Once you have formed a hypothesis, you will need to develop your experimental procedure to test whether your hypothesis is true or false. 4) Identify the Independent and Dependent Variables  The first step of designing the experimental procedure involves planning how to change the independent variable and how to measure the impact that this change has on the dependent variable. To guarantee a fair test when conducting the experiment, make sure that the only thing changing is the independent variable. All controlled variables must remain constant. 5) Design the Experiments  How can you identify an appropriate experiment that will effectively test your hypothesis? Begin by asking yourselves, “What can I do that will give me one result if my hypothesis is true, and a different result if my hypothesis is false?” Design at least one possible experiment for each hypothesis. Be sure that each experiment tests only one hypothesis.

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pH Scale:

The pH scale refers to the negative logarithm of molar concentration of hydrogen ions: pH = -log [H+].


The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A solution of a compound of pH 7 or pOH 7 is a neutral solution. Solutions of pH less than 7  are acidic and more than 7 are basic.

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If a gas occupies 22.4 L at 0.265 atm, then what will the pressure be in atmospheres if the gas occupies 35.52 L? Assume all othervariables are held constant
A)0.167 atm
B)0.437 atm
C)0.886 atm
D)149 atm



The new pressure is 0.167 atm

The correct answer is option A


Step 1: Data given

Volume of the gas = 22.4 L

Pressure of the gas = 0.265 atm

The volume increases to 35.52 L

Step 2: Calculate the new pressure

P1*V1 = P2*V2

⇒with P1 = the initial pressure = 0.265 atm

⇒with V1 = the initial volume = 22.4 L

⇒with P2 = the new pressure = TO BE DETERMINED

⇒with V2 = the increased volume = 35.52 L

0.265 atm * 22.4 L = P2 * 35.52 L

P2 = (0.265 atm * 22.4 L) / 35.52 L

P2 = 0.167 atm

The new pressure is 0.167 atm

The correct answer is option A

Which of the following properties would be the same among isotopes of the same element?A. Flammability
B. Density
C. Melting point
D. Color


Answer : The properties which would be the same among isotopes of the same element are Flammability and Color

Explanation :

Isotopes are the elements that have same number of electrons and protons but they differ in number of neutrons.

The chemical properties of an element are determined by its valence electrons and since isotope have same number of electrons, they have similar chemical properties.

But isotopes have different number of neutrons. Neutrons are the subatomic particles which are present in the nucleus. They are charge less particles and they have mass. Therefore when the elements have different number of neutrons, their atomic masses differ.

As a result, isotopes have different mass related physical properties.

Let us discuss the given properties now

1) Flammability : Flammability in simple words means the ability of the substance to catch fire or the ability to burn. This is mainly dependent on the reactivity which is in turn dependent on the number of electrons.

Since the isotopes have same number of electrons, they show similar flammability.

2) Density : Density is defined as mass per unit volume. This property involves mass and we know that isotopes have different masses. Therefore they have different densities too.

3) Melting point : Melting point is a physical property which is mainly dependent on the molecular weight of the substance. Since isotopes have different masses, they tend to show different melting points.

4) Color : The color of the element is mainly dependent on the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus. Isotopes have same number of electrons which means the arrangement would also be the same. Therefore the isotopes of the same element do not show different colors.

The properties which would be same among isotopes of the same element are

1) Flammability

4) Color

Answer: D. Color

Explanation: Founders Educere answer.

So much for expert verified^^ smh

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