THE PRESIDENCY OF JIMMY CARTERWhat do YOU think Carter hoped yo achieve with his “Crisis of Confidence” speech? Why do you think it was so poorly received by the American Public?


Answer 1


In my opinion carter's speech of Crisis of confidence was to raise the confidence of american people in the government.


Carter's speech in June 1979 detailed a growing sense that Americans were experiencing a crisis of confidence.

Carter's administration was fighting with increasing unemployment, Inflation, and increasing energy cost.

Carter was assumed to return the nation's support and hope for the America's better future - instead performed political self-destruction - speech came off as if he moving and withdrawing opposition - enforced Americans distrust of government.

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The Answer Is C :) *Hope This Helps*




C, his troops were trapped by General Grant's army

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B) Theodore Roosevelt
C) Robert Livingston
D) William Seward
Please hurry !!!


Since you're in a rush, the shortest answer would be that it is D., William Seward, whom decided to buy Alaska.
D. William Seward. The purchase was often called Seward' s folly because people saw no worth in Alaska. Of course that was before gold was discovered there.

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What four qualifications should a person have to exercise these powers?


Presidential Power

Article II of the United States Constitution establishes the Executive Branch and grants to this nation's Chief Executive, the President, the power and authority to execute the laws of the United States.

Formal Powers of the Presidency

The President of the United States of America, by virtue of formally granted constitutional powers, has several significant leadership roles. While these roles are varied and diverse, they can generally be divided into two large areas of authority and responsibility: domestic policy and foreign affairs. So distinct are the two realms of presidential activity and so different are the degrees of success within each that political scientists generally refer to these two subdivisions as the "two presidencies."1

The Domestic Policy Presidency

In the domestic arena, the President, as Chief Executive, has the formal constitutional authority to oversee the execution and implementation of the law. The President also has the ability to significantly influence the legislative and judicial branches. Through the exercise of these powers, the President can exert wide-spread and long-lasting influence on the domestic policies of the nation.

Chief Executive

The President, as the head of the Executive Branch, is the Chief Executive Officer of the United States government. The Chief Executive is sworn to see that the laws of the land are faithfully executed, consistent with the Constitution. The President also oversees the various departments and agencies of the Executive Branch. With the advice and consent of the Senate, the President appoints the leaders of each Executive Branch department and works with these individuals to implement the programs and policies passed by the Congress.

The President's role as Chief Executive is discussed in greater detail in "Presidential Leadership" and "Bureaucracy."

Chief Legislator

The President also has formally granted authority to influence and participate in the legislative process. While only members of Congress can introduce and vote on legislation in the House and Senate, the President plays an important role in setting legislative priorities through inaugural addresses and State of the Union Addresses. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 also requires the President to submit a budget each year. While the Congress reserves the right to significantly alter the President's proposed budget, the submission of a budget provides an important starting point for the Congress.

The President also has the Constitutional authority to veto any legislation the Congress passes. Because a two-thirds majority vote in each house is required to override a veto and pass a bill over the President's objections, the President can often use the threat of a veto to influence the legislative process. Presidents have often publicly and privately stated the conditions that must be met in particular pieces of legislation to avoid vetoes.


       i hope that this info helps

Final answer:

To exercise powers as a governor or similar role, one generally needs to meet certain legal eligibility requirements, understand the political culture of their area, uphold legal accountability and integrity, and possess strong leadership skills.


Exercising the powers within a governor's remit, be it formal powers, implied powers, or those under home rule, require a specific set of qualifications. Broadly speaking, these include:

  1. Eligibility Requirements: These are mandated by state or federal law, such as age, residency, and citizenship status. For example, the U.S. Constitution requires that the president be at least 35 years old, a natural-born U.S. citizen, and a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years. Similar requirements apply to state-level positions like the governor.
  2. Political Acumen: This refers to an understanding of the political culture of the constituency. Related to the concept of individualistic political culture, it involves using the government as a vehicle for individual citizens' issues and goals.
  3. Accountability and Integrity: Officials must be accountable under the law, show respect for just laws and human rights, and promote open governance. No one, including those in power, is above the law.
  4. Leadership Skills: This includes the ability to effectively lead and make tough decisions, such as the use of the line-item veto power, which allows the governor to strike out individual provisions of a bill while passing the rest.

Learn more about Qualifications for Office


“These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine pstriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”In your own words, what was the message of Thomas Paine’s “The Crisis?”


Answer:The trial that tested the soul was the men’s dedication to the cause not only when times weren’t difficult but especially when they were. He that comes through the trial deserves love of his fellow countrymen and women


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