What does the irony in these excerpts from “In Another Country” by Ernest Hemingway convey?The doctor came up to the machine where I was sitting and said: "What did you like best to do before the war? Did you practice a sport?"

I said: "Yes, football."

"Good," he said. "You will be able to play football again better than ever."

My knee did not bend and the leg dropped straight from the knee to the ankle without a calf, and the machine was to bend the knee and make it move as riding a tricycle.

. . . In the next machine was a major who had a little hand like a baby's. He winked at me when the doctor examined his hand, which was between two leather straps that bounced up and down and flapped the stiff fingers, and said: "And will I too play football, captain-doctor?" He had been a very great fencer, and before the war the greatest fencer in Italy.


Answer 1
Answer: Its where the doctor said he would be able to play foot ball better then ever but the patient said that he could not bend his knee but the machine made his knee bend as if he were riding a tricycle.

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The mood of the poem "In My Shyness" by Jason Yarkie is reflective. The poem is about the personality of the narrator, and it describes the different aspects of their timidity and the advantages and disadvantages created by the 'shell' it provides. The narrator spends the entirety of the poem reflecting on their own shyness, and prompts the reader to ponder it as well.

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the answer is a subject
The subject is nobody (in our family), and the verb is 'likes'. 

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The correct option is B

Romanticism is a cultural and political movement originated in Germany and the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) at the end of the eighteenth century as a revolutionary reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and Classicism, giving priority to feelings. Its fundamental characteristic is the break with the classicist tradition based on a set of stereotyped rules. Authentic freedom is his constant search, that's why his revolutionary trait is unquestionable.

Based above all on the figure of edgar allan poe and often confused with the concept of "gothic narrative", the late romantic movement in the US literature of the twentieth century includes many other nuances and aspects characteristic and proper as well as other authors no less relevant who laid the foundations of their homeland literature in that new society under construction. Now, a framework like the North American one had to alter the European matrixes of a movement that, as is known, covered every aspect of life: from the approaches of society and philosophies to the psychology of the individual and the fashions

B. Exploring the Imagination and emotions of the individual.

How can the American dream apply to McCain's story?



senator john mccain

john mccain served in the us army and fought in vietnam where he was tortured & was prisoner of war from 1967 to 1973 (6 years). then after serving his country (making him a vietnam war veteran), he became a six-term u.s. senator from the state of arizona. then he ran for priesident & was the republican nominee for the 2008 presidential election. he ended up losing to preisident barack obama. going on to still serve in congress for a few more terms, he was an honorable man who had the courage to fight for his country. for the rights of millions. for free heathcare. for american values & traditions. his life tragally ended after his battle with brain cancer. he died in his home on august 25, 2018.

may his memory, be a blessing.

Which of the following statements about connecting paragraphs is correct?A. You can't state an idea in paragraph 2 that's related to an idea in paragraph 1.
B. Two paragraphs may be joined by an action verb.
C. You can use a pointing word that that refers to a word in the previous paragraph.
D. A good connection between two paragraphs is an implied transition


You can use a pointing word that that refers to a word in the previous paragraph.

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This is 2 protagonists in my view (Bruno and Shmuel). But I chose one that Bruno. He is a nine years old boy. He was born in Berlin and later moved to Polant as his father is a Commandant. He can't realized what's happening with everything around him and then meets a new friend - a boy in striped pajamas.

Bruno is a lead character in the novel. Bruno's character is somehow interesting because of his curiosity. His family is rich, he is having a life stripped of difficulties. Of course, he is still a child and Bruno's curiosity might be related to his childishness. However, not every child is curious in the same way that most of them obey to their parents without complaining. Bruno's curiosity makes him befriended with a child from a completely different world.