What is one way to turn this fragment into a complete sentence? While the choir director was out of the room. A. Put an exclamation mark at the end B. Remove the word while C. Take out the prepositional phrase D. Add another subject to the sentence


Answer 1
Answer: the answer should be B
Answer 2

B. Remove the word while

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How does precipitation return to the water cycle


During the water cycle, water transforms from clouds to rain, which seeps into the ground. The water in the ground, with the heated temperature, evaporates into the air, therefore rising into the sky where the water particles condense into a cloud, and the process repeats.

Precipitation is the amount of water that falls from the sky in the form of rain. For example, let's say that the precipitation count for a small town in Missouri is 2 inches. That means that 2 inches of rain has been absorbed into the ground, and that water travels into plants and the grass to help them grow. After that nutritional process is completed, the leftover water evaporates into the air and condenses into a cloud.

Hope this helps you!!

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your conscience?

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b. Brutus’s family is well born and wealthy.
c. Brutus and Antony were once close friends.
d. Antony sarcastically insults Brutus, whom he considers a traitor.


Its A. From what have learned from reading the tragedy last year. Surly its a.

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B. A pond
C. The narrator's home
OD. A coffee shop



Hope this helps
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