Why did the Lend-Lease program anger isolationists?


Answer 1


The Lend-Lease Program angered isolationists because it put an end to the neutrality of the United States and was a decisive step to leave behind its traditional policy of isolationism and nonintervention, which had dominated the foreign relations of the country before World War I and again since 1935 with the passing of the Neutrality Acts; After the war, the United States would adopt a completely different role with the constant supervision and intervention in world affairs.

Answer 2
Answer: It was seen as a way to undermine the Neutrality Acts.

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What type of crop plantations proved to provide slaves with the worst living conditions?


The major crops that were developed throughout the Americas with slave labor were cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, and rice. With the growth of these labor intensive crops so grew the slave trade in the Americas. With increased demand in Europe and the United States, slave traders supplied high levels of slaves from Africa to work in the fields of these crops. With the growing of these crops slaves faced terrible conditions from their capture, transport, and enslavement in the Americas. 

Final answer:

Sugar plantations in the Americas, especially in the Caribbean, provided slaves with the worst living conditions due to brutal working conditions, limited provisions, and poor healthcare.


The crop plantations that proved to provide slaves with the worst living conditions were the sugar plantations in the Americas, particularly in the Caribbean. Slaves working on these plantations faced brutal working conditions, long hours, and were subjected to severe physical punishments. They lived in cramped and unsanitary conditions, often in small huts or barracks, with inadequate food and healthcare.

Learn more about Living conditions on sugar plantations here:



Round Table: Which laws 3 laws are still applicable for today’s society? EXPLAIN WHY. (5 Sentences Minimum) I need help please. I don't understand these laws or how they are connected to today


Roman law was the basic legal substrate of all countries of the West until the s. XIX, moment in which began the elaboration of Constitutions, and own laws in each country.

However, at present Roman law is still valid in the basics, that is:

1.- In the ideas of judicial independence.

2.- In respect for the law.

3.- Equal rights for all citizens.

And that today we consider, sine qua non condition of democracy.

This is the earliest attempt by the Romans to create a CODE OF LAW; it is also the earliest (surviving) piece of literature coming from the Romans. In the midst of a perennial struggle for legal and social protection and civil rights between the privileged class (patricians) and the common people (plebeians) a commission of ten men (Decemviri) was appointed (ca. 455 B.C.) to draw up a code of law which would be binding on both parties and which the magistrates (the 2 consuls) would have to enforce impartially.

The commission produced enough statutes (most of them were already `customary law' anyway) to fill TEN TABLETS, but this attempt seems not to have been entirely satisfactory--especially to the plebeians. A second commission of ten was therefore appointed (450 B.C.) and two additional tablets were drawn up. The originals, said to have been inscribed on bronze, were probably destroyed when the Gauls sacked and burned Rome in the invasion 

What international event led to the Red Scare?


Answer:    The communist revolution that occurred in Russia.


What historians refer to as the First Red Scare occurred from 1919 to the early 1920s in the United States, following the Bolsvhevik Revolution which brought communism to power in Russia.   The Bolsheviks (meaning "the Majority") were the communist faction that led a successful overthrow of the regime of the tsar in Russia in 1917.   They weren't a "majority" in Russia, but they were the dominant group within the Russian communist movement.  Civil war in Russia followed during the next years, from 1917 into the early 1920s, ultimately leading to the establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1922.  There was fear in the United States (as there was elsewhere in the world) that communism would begin to spread further, beyond Russia.

The more common reference to "The Red Scare" usually refers to what historically was the Second Red Scare, from the late 1940s to late 1950s in the United States.  Following World War 2, as the Cold War developed and the Soviet Union was gathering allies, there was even greater fear -- and fear-mongering -- in the United States about the threat of communism.   The Second Red Scare was when  The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created and when Senator Joseph McCarthy began a campaign of accusations against suspected communists in various sectors of American life.

The first Red Scare was spurred by the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 in Russia and the intensely patriotic years following WWI in Russia. This leftist and communist revolution led to a fear of communism in places like the United States. The second red scare which is often referred to as McCarthyism began after WWII and was another period of fear of communism and leftist politics "invading" American life. 

How did Western culture primarily spread to China?A. Migrant workers from the West began to settle in China to find jobs.
B. China’s government opened the country to increased trade with the West.
C. An invading military introduced the people of China to a different culture.
D. Chinese immigrants in the West exposed the people back home to new ideas.





Answer: China’s government opened the country to increased trade with the West.

Which is not among the fundamental principles of roman catholicism?A. worshipping the Holy Trinity
B. recognizing the roman emperors authority
C. Attending Mass weekly
D. Performing seven sacraments


B. Recognizing the Roman Emperors authority

If anything recognizing the authority of the Roman emperor could be seen as going against Roman Catholicism, as many of the Roman Emperors were pagans during the rise of Christianity. Not to mention, it has no basis in religion, it is a political matter.
B. recognizing the roman emperors authority

Which amendment would strict constructionists look to in order to justify a limited interpretation of the constitution


The eighth amendment is the amendment that strict constructionists would look to in order to justify a limited interpretation of the United States constitution. The 8th Amendment of the constitution of United States of America is actually a part of the Bill of Rights that prohibit the Federal government from imposing excessive fines or bails.