Think about a bush in your back yard. Is it alive according to the characteristics of life? Why or why not?


Answer 1

Yes, it is alive according to the characteristics of life of plant, i.e., has a definite structure and organization : organic (carbon-based molecules)

2. it metabolizes : its leaves are green and the green color is due to chlorophyll.

3. it maintains internal environment/homeostasis : it does not dry up (keeps the water level inside at a constant level)

4. it can reproduce : that's why it is not extinct or endangered

5. it grows : giving it a trim every few weeks is a good option

6. plants generally grow towards an area with more sunlight if it is not always exposed to sunlight.

7.bush has thorns as an adaption (which is a product of evolution) to defend itself

What are the seven characteristics of plant life?

Like animals, fungi and all other living organisms, plants undergo different life processes that enable them to grow and reproduce. The seven life processes involve gaining nourishment, excreting waste material, growth, reproduction, sensitivity, respiration and movement.

What are photosynthetic characteristics?

A large number of plant characteristics contribute to whole-plant net photosynthesis, e.g. plant height, leaf area, leaf geometry, photosynthetic capacity, dark respiration. Yet all studies discussed so far have considered optimization of one characteristic with all other characteristics held equal.

Learn more about Photosynthesis​ here


Answer 2
Answer: Yes, It Is Alive. We Know This Because The Characteristics Of Life Are:
responsiveness to the environment;
growth and change;
ability to reproduce;
have a metabolism and breathe;
maintain homeostasis;
being made of cells;
and.passing traits onto offspring.
Plants Respond To The Environment, By Growing Around Obstacles. 
They Do Grow And Change.
They Do Reproduce.
They Do Breathe. 
They Do Maintain H
They Are Made Of Cells. 
They Do Pass Traits To Their Offspring. 

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Why are plastics hazardous to wildlife?


In marine environment, many animals confuse the plastic littering the oceans for food including sea turtles. Once in these animal bodies the plastic accumulates, and the chemicals can cause excess estrogen to be produced, which has led to discoveries of male fish with female sex organs. For sea turtles, the plastic blocks their digestive tract and the food that is trapped releases gases that render them buoyant, and unable to dive for food. The turtle was slowly starving because a single use plastic bag, which she had eaten, was blocking her digestive tract.

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In the levels of organization  in living things Shown Below X is the C). System . In the levels of organization in living things, "system" falls within the "organism" level.

The levels of organization in living organisms are typically described as follows, from the simplest to the most complex:

Subatomic Particles: These are the smallest units of matter, including protons, neutrons, and electrons, which form atoms.

Atoms: Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter and combine to form molecules.

Molecules: Molecules are groups of atoms bonded together. Examples include water (H2O) and glucose (C6H12O6).

Cells: Cells are the fundamental units of life and are the smallest independently functioning entities. They can be prokaryotic (lacking a nucleus) or eukaryotic (with a nucleus).

Tissues: Tissues are groups of similar cells that perform a specific function. Multiple types of tissues make up organs.

Organs: Organs are composed of different tissues working together to perform a specific function. For example, the heart is an organ.

Organ Systems: Organ systems are groups of organs that work together to carry out more complex functions within an organism. Examples include the circulatory system, digestive system, and nervous system.

Organism: The organism level represents the entire living being, whether it's a single-celled organism or a complex multicellular organism like a human.

So, "system" is a level of organization within the broader level of "organism."

For more questions on organism





system / organ system

EOC Biology. A strand of DNA contains the sequence GGC-CAT. What is the complementary strand of mRNA for this sequence? Please help


GGC-CAT - strand of DNA
 xxx- xxx  - strand of mRNA
The first, let's see what connect with what:
when we talk about DNA and complementary strand of DNA:
guanine connects to cytosine (and vice versa)
thymine connects to adenine (and vice wersa)

when we talk about DNA and complementary strand of RNA:
guanine connects to cytosine (and vice wersa)
adenine (in DNA) connects to uracil (in RNA)
thymine (in DNA) connects to adenine (in RNA)
GGC- CAT - strand of DNA
CCG- GUA - complementary strand of mRNA

complementary strand of DNA would be: CCG- GTA
(in complementary strand of RNA: thymine is replaced with uracil)

n00nst00p :)
CCG-GUA :) (because its an mRNA strand it can't have the amino acid Thymine or (T) so we replace it with a U.

The chemical and mechanical processes of food breakdown are called ________.A. digestion
B. absorption
C. ingestion
D. secretion


Digestion refers to the chemical and mechanical processes that break down food.

What is digestion?

Digestion is the process through which food moves through our bodies, with the goal of giving energy to the body or constructing new cellularcomponents and tissues, such as muscle and fat.

How does digestion take place?

  • When food enters the mouth, it is mechanicallydigested (chewing) and becomes when it comes into touch with saliva. Saliva contains salivary amylase, which helps food digest starch. Salivaryamylase is a digestive enzyme that starts the digestion of starch in meals.
  • The food will be in the form of a small, round slurry mass known as a bolus after mastication and starch digestion.It moves down the esophagus and into the stomach due to peristalsis.
  • In the stomach, gastric fluids beginprotein digestion.Pepsin and hydrochloricacid are the main components of these juices. Because the HCl may harm the stomach wall, the stomach secretesmucus, which forms a sticky covering that protects the stomach from the acid's harmful effects.
  • Peristalsis, a mechanical mixingprocess that permits the mass of food to interact with the digestiveenzymes, occurs concurrently with protein digestion.
  • After some time, a thick liquid called chyme is produced, which enters the duodenum and mixes with pancreatic digestive enzymes and liver bile juice before passing through the smallintestine. After the chyme has been entirely digested, it is taken into the bloodstream, where it forms a stickybarrier that protects the body from the acid's harmful effects.

Thus, we can conclude that option A is correct.

You can learn more about digestion here:


A) Digestion

Here's the dictionary definition of digestion:

The process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action in the alimentary canal into substances that can be used by the body.

DNA is made up of which sugar?


DNA is made up of carbon sugar.
DNA is made up of 5 sugars called deoxyribose, a phosphate, adenine,thyminecytosine and guanine.

Air is filtered, warmed, and moistened in thea. nose and mouth.
c. lungs.
b. throat.
d. pharynx.


The correct answer is that it is warmed and moistened already in nose and mouth, at the very beginning, when it enters our body (answer a).

It needs to be filtered and warmed alredy before it enters further, because our internal organs are delicate and a dry, dirty air would cause damage to our lungs and other organs.

Final answer:

The air is filtered, warmed, and moistened primarily in the nose and mouth. These parts play a key role in preparing the air for the lungs and maintaining respiratory health. The throat and pharynx, act as pathways to guide the air to the lungs.


The process of warming, filtering, and moistening the air takes place primarily in the nose and mouth (option a). The primary function of our nose is to filter out any impurities (like dust, pollen, etc.), warm, and moisten the air that we inhale. The mouth also plays a similar role to some degree. However, the actual process of gas exchange happens in the lungs. The throat and pharynx, on the other hand, mainly serve as conduits to direct air from the nose and mouth into the lungs.

Learn more about Respiratory System here: