The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The father's age is the son's age reversed. How old could they be? (separate by a comma and space, father's age first) I don't accept answers from other website!


Answer 1
Answer: 51, 15 (51+15=66) (and answers need to be 20+ so this is here lol)
Answer 2
Answer: i got it!!!!!!!!

42, 24

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Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Read this excerpt from Susan B. Anthony's "Is it a Crime for a Citizen of the United States to Vote? " and complete the sentences that follow. But is urged, the use of the masculine pronouns he, his and him, in all the constitutions and laws, is proof that only men were meant to be included in their provisions. If you insist on this version of the letter of the law, we shall insist that you be consistent, and accept the other horn of the dilemma, which would compel you to exempt women from taxation for the support of the government, and from penalties for the violation of laws. . . . So long as any classes of men were denied their right to vote, the government made a show of consistency, by exempting them from taxation. When a property qualification of $250 was required of black men in New York, they were not compelled to pay taxes, so long as they were content to report themselves worth less than that sum; but the moment the black man died, and his property fell to his widow or daughter, the black woman's name would be put on the assessor's list, and she be compelled to pay taxes on the same property exempted to her husband. The same is true of ministers in New York. So long as the minister lives, he is exempted from taxation on $1,500 of property, but the moment the breath goes out of his body, his widow's name will go down on the assessor's list, and she will have to pay taxes on the $1,500. So much for the special legislation in favor of women. Susan B. Anthony makes two compelling arguments to suggest that women should be given the right to vote. She attacks the argument of the anti-suffragists that . She argues that since , all women should be afforded the right to vote.
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The gerund phrase in the given sentence would be: Training show dogs. This gerund phrase is used as the direct object. The answer is option B. A gerund is a word that ends in -ing, but functions as a noun. A gerund phrase consists of the gerund plus other words that modifies.

Which of the following lines from the selection best expresses a theme of the story? A. "In the running community, Pikes Peak is known as 'America's Ultimate Challenge." B. "Her speech was unintelligible for more than a year." C. "Maria's climbing of Pikes Peak comes with a benefit for others with life-changing injuries." D. "That experience has led her to understand what she is made of."


The answer would be D. "That experience has led her to understand what she is made of." This is because the theme is the message that is given through reading the story. When you understand what you are made of you are learning a lesson. 

Why does my vote matter essay and I don't have the time to do it


Voting and democracy is very important in a nation because it provides people an opportunity to voice their opinion and vote for what they believe in, it holds elected officials accountable for their behavior while in office, and it prevents a minority from dictating the policies of a majority. History, as well as the US government today, proves the importance of voting and democracy. 

Voting and democracy in a nation allows people to participate in their government. People have the opportunity to vote for what they believe in. In Greece, the Athenian government was run by a direct democracy. Citizens voted directly for proposed bills and certain decisions. Their voting system was different from what we have today in the USA, but was still effective in allowing citizens to have a say. Voting was also used in Roman times and is used today as well. In order for voting to be successful, the citizens of the nation must be educated. If voters are educated on the policies they are voting for, they will understand the possible outcomes of various policies and therefore will make better decisions. For example, the Athenians voted for things like whether or not they should go to war and where a new building should be built. Because boys were educated at a young age in Athens, they were capable of making informed decisions regarding such topics. Athens’ educated population and strong democracy led them to become a powerful nation. 

Which word in the sentence is a proper adjective?In Florida, I ate a salty roll and a Cuban dish made with spicy beans and rice

A. Spicy
C. Florida
D. Cuban


Spicy cause it's telling what the dish tastes like!

I think i is spicy (A)

Why did J.R.R. Tolkien write The Hobbit and other stories of Middle-earth? A. He wanted to add to legends that already existed about Middle-earth. B. He wanted to design a complex imaginary world in which he could set a large number of tales. C. He wanted to convince readers that Middle-earth was real and that the events of his stories truly happened. D. He wanted to record a factual history of the British Isles.2. Which best describes the main conflict of the novel A. Bilbo's friendship with Thorin prevents him from seeing Thorin's many flaws. B. Bilbo must overcome his fear of dwarves and rely on dwarves to help him. C. Bilbo has a fear of strangers, but he needs other people to help him accomplish his goals. D. Bilbo enjoys the comfort and safety of home, but he also desires the adventure of the quest.
3.Why does a conflict arise between the dwarves and the goblins? A. The goblins want to punish the dwarves for being friends with Gandalf, whom the goblins hate. B. The dwarves are angry that the goblins break their promise to let them sleep in the cave. C. The dwarves think that the goblins helped Smaug steal their treasure hoard. D. The goblins recognize that the sword Thorin carries is one that has been used to kill many of their kind. 4. (3 pt) How is the conflict between Bilbo and the dwarves resolved? A. The dwarves expect Bilbo to venture into Smaug's lair alone. B. The dwarves trust Bilbo and look to him for leadership. C. The dwarves decide that Bilbo is cheerful and friendly. D. The dwarves give Bilbo a share of the treasure.
5.Which is an example of stereotyping A. Other characters in the novel come to trust and admire Bilbo because of what he says and what he does. B. Some characters doubt that Bilbo can accomplish things because he is a hobbit. C. The dwarves respect Gandalf as an individual because of his powers and experience. D. Many figures in the novel celebrate their own culture but know little about the culture of others.
6. Read this passage: "…and Bilbo asked how things were going in the lands of the Mountain. It seemed that they were going very well. Bard had rebuilt the town in Dale and men had gathered to him from the Lake and from South and West, and all the valley had become tilled again and rich, and the desolation was now filled with birds and blossoms in spring and fruit and feasting in autumn." Which words best describe the mood this passage creates? A. confused and uncertain B. content and peaceful C. excited and eager D. mournful and angry


1. B.
2. D.
3. D.
4. B.
5. B.

All of these questions are easily answered by reading the book. I read it several years ago yet was still able to answer these. In order to do well in the future, please read the texts and take notes.

What is the meaning of the word look


Seem or to appear, to direct ones gaze to or it could be used as an attention. For example: "Look, this is silly."
"A direct glaze at someone or something."