Why is the science method important for experiments?


Answer 1
Answer: The scientific method is important for experiments because it allows scientists to have a step by step process while producing an experiment.

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Lead (II) chloride 
Chlorine has a charge of -1 and lead can have a charge of +2 or +4
The charges need to be balanced, so if lead was +4 then the equation would be PbCl4, because chlorine needs 4 atoms to balance out lead.  Because it was Cl2, we know it was lead (II)

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The equation we need to use to solve this is: c=λν

c is the speed of light (2.998 x 10^8 m/s)

λ is the wavelength, which we're gonna solve for

ν is the frequency ( 2.4 x 10^14 Hz )

First, plug in the values we were given into the equation

2.998 x 10^8 m/s= (λ)(2.4 x 10^14 Hz)

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 2.4 x 10^14 Hz to solve for the wavelength (λ)

λ= 1.249166667 x 10^-6 m

Round to 2 significant figures

λ= 1.2 x 10^-6 m

So, there's this really cute guy. He laughs a moderate amount around me, and I think we click really well. He teaches me when I need teaching, and he makes me laugh. When we talk, I try to do my best to look nice or something, and my heart beats faster than usual. But, when I think about taking a bullet for him, I don't really think I could take it that far. Is this just a passing fling? Or could it turn into something... I don't know, REAL?


Love is a powerful thing i advice you not to put your all in him take it slow a be careful

you two may go into a relationship. Taking a bullet would be if your strongly in love with someone. engaged marriage kind of love in my opinion. This could also just be a crush and maybe one day your not interested in this guy anymore and/or didnt end up going in a relationship. Good luck if things work with this guy or not :)

-Wolfs c:

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       Hope it Helped

Why would a large iceberg have more thermal energy than a cup of boiling water?



Answer: Boiling water has a lot more heat than the oven's air (even though the air has a higher temperature). ... The iceberg has more heat than the match because it is SO MUCH LARGER, so all of its slow moving molecules have more total kinetic energy than the match's molecules.

Explanation: I got this from google, and hope it helps, if not, comment below please!!!