Read these excerpts from Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist and identify the meaning of the words in bold based on their context.Now. Mr.Bumble was a fat man, and a choleric so, instead of responding to this open-hearted salutation in a kindred spirit, he gave the little
wicket a tremendous shake, and then bestowed upon it a kick which could have emanated from no leg but a beadle's.
Oliver, having had by this time as much of the outer coat of dirt which encrusted his face and hands, removed, as could be scrubbed off in
one washing, was led into the room by his benevolent protectress.
The boys polished them with their spoons till they shone again; and when they had performed this operation (which never took very long, the
spoons being nearly as large as the bowls), they would sit staring at the copper with such eager eyes, as if they could have devoured the very
bricks of which it was composed; employing themselves, meanwhile, in sucking their fingers most assiduously, with the view of catching up
any stray splashes of gruel that might have been cast thereon.
choleric =
encrusted =
assiduously =


Answer 1

From the words that were used in the passage, the meaning of the following words are:

  • Choleric: bad tempered
  • encrusted: closed
  • assiduously: eager

What are words and their meanings?

These are the closest meaning to the words as they have been used in the passage.

A choleric person is characterized as one that is known to have a temper and for something to be encrusted, it means that it is encircled.

Read more on Oliver Twist here:

Answer 2


choleric =


encrusted =


assiduously =


Explanation: Plato

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2.PART A: What does the term "fastidious" most likely mean as used in paragraph 5?
A. Stubborn
C. Greedy




Got 100%  on the comminlit

Final answer:

The term 'fastidious' most likely means 'picky' in paragraph 5 option b is correct.


Fastidious refers to a person who is very attentive to and concerned about detail and accuracy. In the context of the paragraph, it implies that the person in question is meticulous and choosy in their preferences.

For example, if someone is described as fastidious about their appearance, it means they are very particular about how they look and pay close attention to every detail of their attire or grooming.

In summary, 'fastidious' means being highly selective, meticulous, or fussy, and in this context, it most likely refers to someone being picky in their choices or preferences.

Learn more about Meaning of 'fastidious' here:


The term realism refers to


realism is the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.

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A. positive
B. comparative
C. superlative



What is the degree of comparison of the underlined adjective in the sentence?

Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

A. positive

B. comparative

C. superlative

Answer : A


LoveYourselfFirst how ab u kick rocks and stop explaining things we put on here bc maybe we like to earn points but the important thing is we including ME we like to help out we like to give answers as well as u do ok.


Did I get any wrong? If I did can you explain why please.



The comma after 1999


You can remove the comma after 1999 on question seven to make it look a little less clustered.

Which of the following would be considered a career in communications?actor


Because when you are in acting you can't do it alone so it needs communication

Match Henry viii's wives to their children


This does not include mistresses and children born out of wedlock. Henry VIII had six wives: Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and Katherine Parr. Henry had children with his first three wives. With Katherine of Aragon, they had Mary was born. Mary later became Queen Mary I. Anne Boleyn and Henry's daughter was Elizabeth. Elizabeth later became Queen Elizabeth I.  Jane Seymour and Henry had a son, Edward. Edward later became King Edward VI.


Catherine of Aragon- Mary Tudor

Anne Boelyn- Elizabeth I

Jane Seymour- Edward VI
