How did Saul rule the people of ancient Israel


Answer 1

According to the Hebrew Bible, Saul was chosen by God to be the leader of the Israelites after they demanded a king to rule over them.

How Saul rule the people of ancient Israel:

As king, Saul had to lead the Israelites in battles against their enemies, make laws and ensure they were followed, and keep things organized and stable in the kingdom. He was also supposed to be a religious leader. He had to make sacrifices and ask God for help through prophets like Samuel.

Saul's time as king had both good and bad moments. At first, he was able to stop the Philistine attack and strengthen his rule by winning battles. However, he also did things that were wrong and hurt his leadership, like not following what God told him and not handling his enemies well.

Learn more on Saul on


Answer 2

Answer choices are:

A. He conquered neighboring Judah and Canaan.

B. He set up a religious empire modeled after the Persians

C. He united twelve tribes under on king.

D. He wrested power from Nebuchadezzar


Correct answer choice is:

C. He united twelve tribes under on king.



The population of Israel was comprised of 12 Tribes. According to the Tanakh, Saul was the son of Kish, of the tribe of the Matrites, and a member of the tribe of Benjamin, one of the twelve Tribes of Israel. It seems that he arrived from Gibeah. Saul perishes in the fight against the Philistines following a rule of the only couple of years. His successor, Ishbaal, governs for only two years before being killed. David, formerly ruler of Judah particularly, concludes the intrigue and is designated ruler of Israel in Ishbaal's position.

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I believe the answer is: "She recruited her brother to pass secrets to the Soviets"

David Greenglass (Ethel Rossenberg's brother) was working as a laboratory workers in project Manhattan, which is supposed to be a secret because it contain United states latest nuclear development. Because of his crime, David served for almost 10 years in prison.

The statement that best  explains Ethel Rosenberg's role in the espionage case  was that She recruited her brother to pass secrets to the Soviets.

Further Explanations:

The design of the atomic bomb prepared during the cold war in the Manhattan Project came with a great risk of its espionage. Ethel Rosenberg was among the engineers who were working on it and was also a member of the “Young Communist Party”. She was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation . in charge of sending secret documents of the atomic bomb to Soviet executives through his brother David Green glass. It is also said that it was his contribution that helped USSR to develop his nuclear arsenal.She stood with the statement that she was innocent and refused of being a conspirator but, because of her communist background she was taken as a traitor. Fear of communism and antagonism went against her. “McCarthyism” and the “Red Scare trials” convinced American officials of the conviction on her and stated the trial and punishment fair. Though she was sentenced to being a conspirator, the citizens of America believed her as the martyr of the anti-communist sentiment.  

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Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History  

Chapter: Nuclear War ss


atomic bomb, cold war , Manhattan Project,Ethel Rosenberg,Young Communist Party,Federal Bureau of Investigation, Soviet executives, David Greenglass,communism ,antagonism, McCarthyism, Red Scare trials,anti-communist sentiment.  

There are five principles in the U.S. Constitution. For each, give an example of a place in the Constitution where this principle is expressed?


The 5 principles underlying the Constitutions are popular sovereignty, separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism, and rule of law.

Popular sovereignty is found in the voting procedures to pass an amendment (3/4 of states needed and each have a chance to cast a vote), the direct voting measures to elect members tot he House of Representatives, and the 17th amendment (direct election of Senators) are all examples.

Separation of Powers is found in the creation of three branches of government: the executive branch, judicial branch, and legislative branch. Each branch has separate responsibilities and power. For example, the president wants to go to war but must request a declaration from Congress.

Checks and Balances is the principle that each branch can check the power of another branch. Veto power is an example of a check and balance. The president can veto a bill they are not in favor. Congress can overrule the veto with a winning 2/3 vote. The Supreme Court has review power of laws passed by Congress and therefore is able to check their power to create unconstitutional laws.

Federalism is the concept that the federal government ranks over the state governments but both have their own powers as well. The 10th amendment states any right not directly outlined in the Constitution as being a federal right would be reserved to the states. Education is an example of an institution which had been controlled by and instituted by states.

The Rule of Law means that the laws apply to everyone and no person is considered to powerful or wealthy to escape the laws proscribed for all citizens. This is shown in the Constitution by providing citizens the power to impeach an elected official if they are to violate the laws.

Final answer:

The five principles of the U.S. Constitution are expressed in the Preamble (Popular Sovereignty), Article 1, Section 9 (Limited Government), the first three articles (Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances), and the 10th Amendment (Federalism).


The five principles in the U.S. Constitution are expressed in various ways throughout the document. Each has specific sections and amendments that exemplify its meaning.

  1. Popular Sovereignty is expressed in the Preamble by stating 'We the People' which signifies the power of the people in the United States.
  2. Limited Government is shown in Article 1, Section 9 which lists the powers that Congress does not have, meaning the government's powers are limited.
  3. The principle of Separation of Powers is outlined in the first three articles dividing the government into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial.
  4. Checks and Balances are defined within Articles 1, 2, and 3 which specify how each branch of government can limit the power of the other branches.
  5. Finally, the principle of Federalism is displayed in the 10th Amendment which reserves certain powers for the states and the people.

Learn more about  U.S. Constitution here:


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Answer:    Hinduism

Explanation:  The oldest known religion in the world is Hinduism, a polytheistic religion formed as a fusion of different ancient beliefs. Belief in many gods implies that deities can take different forms, but there is a universal divine spirit, Brahman. It is believed that the universal spirit Brahman  inspired the wise (sages) to write the sacred texts of Hinduism - Vedic hymns.

The world's oldest known religion is Hinduism. The first records of religious practice come from Egypt around 4000 BCE.

The____ are a windless zone at the equator.


The doldrums. This is your answer.

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(B)gaining U.S. citizenship
(C)joining white labor unions
(D)owning property or their own businesses


(B)gaining U.S. citizenship.I think is the best anwser.

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According to Wordsworth, nineteenth-century England has forfeited her ancient virtues. 
He says:
Have forfeited their ancient English dower 
Of inward happiness; We are selfish men.

The correct answer is C) virtues.

The word that best completes this sentence of "London, 1802" is virtues.

According to Wordsworth, 19th-century England has forfeited her ancient virtues.

The classic poem "London, 1802", was written by the English writer William Wordsworth. This piece of poetic work is a harsh critic of selfish English people. In the poem, Wordsworth also had good comments about John Milton, stating that he was a classy man.

So it is correct to say that according to Wordsworth, 19th-century England has forfeited her ancient virtues.