Jermey has two plants. he waters both equally. he puts one plant outside. he puts another plant in a closet which one is true about the plants?
A. the plant in closet will die.
B. plants only need soil to grow.
c. plants only need water to grow. does not matter where he puts the plant.


Answer 1
Answer: The plant in the closet will die without the proper nutrients granted through sunlight

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A. Oil is more difficult to remove from the Earth than coal.
B. Coal is present in small quantities compared to other fossil fuels.
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B. geothermal power
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D. nuclear power

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A. Getting society to care about environmental issues.
B. Repairing long-term damage done to the environment.
C. Cleaning up after a major polluting event, like an oil spill.
D. Meeting society's needs while being responsible with natural resources.

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B.carbon tetrachloride
C. xenon
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A. Synthetic materials are often easy to produce.
B. Synthetic materials often do not decay naturally.
C. Synthetic materials are often much stronger than natural materials.
D. Synthetic materials are often made from strong radioactive materials.

Some technologies are now available to solve the problem of acid rain, which can alter the pH level of lakes and rivers. Which of the following is the best technology to improve a lake affected by acid rain? (1 point)

A. new alternative energy sources
B. recycling of materials to reduce air pollution
C. an environmentally safe base to neutralize the lake
D. transportation equipment to move all aquatic life to safety

Which of the following human environmental accidents has had devastating effects on groundwater, rivers, oceans, and lakes? (1 point)

A. harmful pesticides
B. nuclear accidents
C. ozone depletion
D. oil spills

When an oil spill occurs in an aquatic environment, what generally is the effect? (1 point)

A. The ecosystem is damaged but quickly rebounds.
B. No serious damage occurs since oil and water do not mix.
C. The abiotic factors are seriously affected, but the biotic are unaffected.
D. The whole ecosystem is negatively affected, and long-term damage may occur.

Which of the following most correctly predicts the impact on the environment if sustainable practices are not followed? (1 point)

A. The ecosystems of the world will be uniformly damaged, but they will rebound quickly.
B. Natural resources will be depleted, and the negative impact may be too severe to recover.
C. The environment will not be adversely affected because the ecosystem of the world is too large.
D. Rain forests will be depleted, but the oceans will be preserved because of their geographical isolation.

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A. airports and seaports
B. farming and agriculture
C. residential housing areas
D. factories and power plants



1)D)Fission is the process when the nucleus of an atom splits after being bombarded by neutrinos.

2)A)Storage and disposal of radioactive waste is a problem all nuclear power plants face. Most of them dipose the waste underneath the ground. There have even been proposals to send the nuclear waste to the moon.

3)C)Nuclear Power because it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions.

4)A) Oil is more difficult to remove from the Earth than coal This is why, to extract oil, you need an extraction pump and other equipment, while coal can be removed from the earth after digging.

5)A) biofuel - because it comes from agriculture, and agriculture is the biggest contributor to worldwide greenhouse emissions.

6)B) Geothermal power - geothermal power uses the heat from the earth to produce energy.

7)D) - Humans have seemingly unlimited needs and these needs have to be met without destroying the enviroment.

8)C) Xenon - The other three substances listed are classified as Ozone depleting susbstances according to the Ministry of the Enviroment in New Zealand.

9)B) Synthetic materials often do not decay naturally - The best example is plastic, which is a synthetic material that takes hundreds or even thousands of years to decay.

10)C) An environmentally safe base to neutralize the lake - This can be done by oxygenizing the lake.

11)D) Oil spills - Unfortunely, these events have taken place many times. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused by British Petroleum greatly affected the coasts and waters of Louisiana.

12)D)The whole ecosystem is negatively affected, and long-term damage may occur - An oil spills afects aquatic plants, animals, birds, and the water itself.

13)B)Natural resources will be depleted - Oil might even run out completely. Besides, climate change would raise the sea levels and flood thousands of cities.

14)D) factories and power plants - especially thermal power plants that burn coal to produce energies.


D, ABC, C, A, ?, B, A, ?, B, C, D, D, C, D


(Answers and explanations in order of questions)

Fission reactions are when the nucleus of an atom splits producing smaller nuclei and energy

Lack of space isn't a safety risk

Coal, natural gases, and oil all are burned to create energy which releases carbon into the atmosphere, polluting it. Nuclear power doesn't burn carbon-based substances and so is fine

I dunno but C and D are wrong

All of them are technically renewable?

Geothermal energy uses the Earth's heat, hence the name

Nothing can happen if people ignore it


Synthetic polymers are plastics, which do not decay naturally

A base would react with the acid to neutralise it which is the fastest way to improve the lake

Not pesticides?

Oil spills kill aquatic animals and life quickly, which causes huge damage to ecosystems

If nothing changes nonrenewable things will run out and bad practices will have caused irreparable damage worldwide

Big factories are pumping out the bad stuff

tiny time has decided to make 288 tricycle each day. how many tricycle seats, wheels ,and pedals are needed ?


seats- 288

wheels- 864

pedals- 576

hope this helps

If you have a question leave a comment below

Explain difference in appearance between a pure substance and a mixture.


A pure substance is a substance which cannot be separated physically or chemically. It is the same wherever found on earth. For example, pure gold is a pure substance. It will be the same whether it is found where you live or on another country. A mixture can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that looks the same throughout but is made of more than one element. An example of this would be salt and water mixture.  A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture in which you can easily identify the different parts which make it up. An example of this would be pizza. Both these mixtures can be broken into different parts either physically or chemically.

Hope it helps :)

a pure substance means its like a natural substance that has not been tampered with, such as sodium. but when sodium is mixed with chlorine it becomes sodium chloride( table salt), which is a mixture. 

If Ca is the new standard of atomic mass and is assigned a value of 50.00 amu, what is the molar mass of Aluminium Acetate using this standard?​How does one solve this?



848.1 g/mol


Data given:

Standard of atomic mass of Ca = 50 amu

molar mass of Aluminium Acetate = ?


Relative atomic mass represented by Ar. It is ratio of actual mass with respect to the 1/12th mass of C-12 but here Ca-50 is standard.

Formula of  Aluminium Acetate = Al(CH₃COO)₃

In order to calculate Ar

first we will calculate 1/50 of Ca

As we know

         mass of 1/12 of C-12 = 1.993 x 10⁻²⁶/12 = 1.661 x 10⁻²⁷ Kg

So, for Ca-50

        mass of 1/50 of Ca-50 = 1.993 x 10⁻²⁶/50 = 3.986 x 10⁻²⁸ Kg


 Relative Atomic mass for element X = rest mass of "X"/ 3.986 x 10⁻²⁸ Kg . . . . . . (1)

First we have to know the relative atomic masses of Aluminium, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen atoms involve in Aluminium Acetate formula with respect to new standard Ca-50

By using equation-1 we can calculate Ar for which we have reported rest masses of atoms as below

Rest mass of Aluminium = 4.48 x 10⁻²⁶ Kg

Rest mass of carbon = 1.993 x 10⁻²⁶ Kg

Rest mass of hydrogen = 1.608 x 10⁻²⁷ Kg

Rest mass of oxygen = 2.657x10⁻²⁶ Kg

Now put values in equation 1 for each atom

  • Ar for Aluminium= 4.48 x 10⁻²⁶Kg / 3.986 x 10⁻²⁸ Kg

                     Ar for Aluminium = 112.5  amu

  • Ar for Carbon= 1.993 x 10⁻²⁶ Kg / 3.986 x 10⁻²⁸ Kg

                     Ar for Carbon= 50 amu

  • Ar for Hydrogen = 1.608 x 10⁻²⁷ Kg / 3.986 x 10⁻²⁸ Kg

                     Ar for hydrogen = 4  amu

  • Ar for Oxygen = 2.657x10⁻²⁶ Kg / 3.986 x 10⁻²⁸ Kg

                     Ar for Oxygen = 66.6  amu

Now find the molar mass ofAl(CH₃COO)₃

molar mass of Aluminium Acetate = Al(CH₃COO)₃

Al(CH₃COO)₃ = 112.5 + 3 (50 + 3(4) + 50 + 66.6 +66.6)

Al(CH₃COO)₃ = 112.5 + 3 (50 + 12 + 50 + 66.6 +66.6)

Al(CH₃COO)₃ = 112.5 + 3 (245.2)

Al(CH₃COO)₃ = 112.5 + 735.6

Al(CH₃COO)₃ = 848.1 g/mol

molar mass of Aluminium Acetate = 848.1 g/mol

Which example correctly identifies a planet that is a gas giant and a planet that is terrestrial? A. Saturn is a gas giant; Neptune is terrestrial. B. Jupiter is a gas giant; Venus is terrestrial. C. Mars is a gas giant; Earth is terrestrial. D. Mercury is a gas giant; Mars is terrestrial.


The answer is B. Jupiter is a gas giant; Venus is terrestrial.


The answer is B. Jupiter is a gas giant; Venus is terrestrial.


Whats the difference between relative order and an absolute date.


Hi there! Relative order is an advanced order type and a absolute date is the process of determing a age.