PLEASE HELP FAST!!!!!!!!!!Which of the following statements is not true about Hippocrates?

A. He believed that the body has four bodily fluids that directly affect health and personality.
B. He thought that mental illness occurred when the four humors were in proper balance.
C. He suggested that all diseases, including mental illness, have natural causes. D. He separated medicine from superstition, which is why he’s called “the father of medicine.”


Answer 1
Answer: i think its b i hope this was helpful to you!
Answer 2

the answer is b

the answer is b

the answer is b

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Name the explorer who conquered the Inca.

A) Francisco Pizarro
B) Hernando Cortes
C) Juan Ponce de Leon
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1- The correct answers are 1 and 3. The two items that Spain was searching for in the New World was a route to the Orient, and riches.

2- The correct answer is A. Francisco Pizarro was the explorer who conquered the Inca.


1- The Spanish Crown financed the expedition of Christopher Columbus to the West, since he needed to find a new route to the spice markets of China and India, to access the riches of these lands and trade with their people.

2- Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, led the expedition that would begin the Conquest of Peru. Later he would be appointed governor of New Castile, with seat of government in the City of Kings.

He is remembered for having managed to impose on the Inca Empire with the help of various local chiefdoms, conquering the aforementioned imperial state whose center of government was located in present-day Peru, as well as establishing a Spanish dependency on it.

1 & 3 for the first question and A for the second question

The cornerstone of English democracy is the document known as the


The correct answer is the Magna Carta. The cornerstone of English democracy is the document known as the Magna Carta. It is considered as a document constituting a fundamental guarantee of rights and privileges.

Magna Carta

The Magna Carta was a document created to prevent rebellion in England and limited the power of the king or queen.

The Magna Carta was seen as a cornerstone document because it limited the power of the king. Measures such as habeaus corpus were put into place to ensure people were not arrested or imprisoned without rights to know their charges and to have a judgement on their case. The ideas of the document became a foundation for modern English government and the American Constititution/Bill of Rights.

Describe the routes that Homo sapiens took from the Middle East to South


The routes is 5.3 according to my work

Final answer:

Homo sapiens journeyed from the Middle East to various regions of Asia and Europe, then migrated through the Bering Strait to North America, and finally, they moved south to reach South America.


The journeys Homo sapiens took from the Middle East to South America were lengthy and complex. From the Middle East, these early humans migrated through various routes. It is believed that Homo sapiens first migrated into other parts of Asia and Europe. They later moved to North America through a land bridge now known as the Bering Strait, around 20,000 years ago when the sea levels were low. They continued their migration south through the continent, eventually reaching South America. The exact routes and timelines are a rich area of archaeological research and debate, as new evidence sometimes modifies earlier understandings.

Learn more about Migration of Homo sapiens here:


How does this propaganda poster from world war 1 portray the germans


It show's the German's being evil.

Barbaric is the answer

What does the code of chivalry tell us about medieval values in general



The Medieval era or Middle Ages refers to the period in European history between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, characterized by being turbulent and violent, due to numerous invasions, and also by social systems such as Feudalism, which granted nobles the use of the King's land in exchange for loyalty.

Hence conflict between lords was usual, thus loyalty, protection and honor were essential medieval values, and crucial in the development of the social Code of Chivalry, a set of skills and manners belonging to the upper classes, where Knights protected lords and ladies, considered brittle or fragile, which aggravated social inequality since such rules only applied to certain social groups.


courage and loyalty to the king

How were African Americans treated in the USA Navy? Explain



They were discriminated. There were only four

U.S. Army units under which African

Americans could serve. Prior to 1940,

thirty thousand blacks had tried to enlist in

the Army, but were turned away. In the

U.S. Navy, blacks were restricted to roles

as messmen. They were excluded entirely

from the Air Corps and the Marines. This

level of inequality gave rise to black

organizations and leaders who challenged

the status quo, demanding greater

involvement in the U.S. military and an end

to the military’s segregated racial practices.