The death toll for the Civil War varies between 680,000 and 800,000 casualties, which makes the war more devastating than the _______________ , WWI, WWII and _________________ combined.


Answer 1


I'm guessing the vietnam and korean war.


This is because the US has been in so many wars its pretty hard to figure out which wars the question is specifically asking for

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African Slaves


They were transported in cargo ships where they were packed close together in what is now known as the Middle Passage, one of the three components that made up the Atlantic triangular trade pattern.

2. Armed federal marshals ride on many flights within the United States.



Federal Air Marshals are armed federal law enforcement officers deployed on passenger flights worldwide to protect airline passengers and crew against the risk of criminal and terrorist violence.


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Trump has officially said that.

When did the abolish slavery


Slaver abolished in January 31, 1865

Answer: January 31, 1865

Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States and provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.


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When people think of the Industrial Revolution, they only think of England and the United States. Explain Industrialization in other societies



The industrialization process started in England at the end of the 18th century, and expanded throughout Europe, the United States and Japan. It was called the First Industrial Revolution. However, it is clear that during this process, each country developed at a different pace based on the economic, social and cultural conditions of each place.

In Europe, the largest centers of industrial development at the time were coal mining regions which were located in places like France, Germany, and also in some regions of Belgium. Beside this places, the industrialization has become tied to major cities, such as Paris and Berlin regarding to the road interconnection centers, the major ports, textile hubs, and steel and heavy industry districts.

After 1830, industrial production decentralized from England and expanded rapidly across the world, mainly to northwest Europe, and to the east of the United States.

In Germany after the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, Germany was Unificated, which increased the Industrial Revolution in the country that had started since 1815. It was from that time that the production of cast iron began to increase exponentially. In Italy, the political unification carried out in 1870, even if delayed, boosted the industrialization of the country. This only reached northern Italy, as the south remained basically agrarian. Much later, industrialization began in Russia, in the last decades of the 19th century. The main factors for this to happen were the large availability of labor, government intervention in the economy through subsidies and foreign investments in the industry.

On the other hand, in countries like Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, in addition to others, they also are considered late or delayed industrialization. They have entered in the industrialization process almost a 100 years after the First Industrial Revolution in relation to countries in Europe, the United States and Japan. However, during the 19th century, they there were several attempts at industrialization on the part of many Latin American countries, all of them had little expressive repercussions. The few industries that emerged in that century were limited to the manufacture of non-durable consumer goods, such as factories for candles, soap, leather and wool products, fabrics, food, furniture, and others.

Nevertheless, durgin the 20th century, some historical events that took place such as the First World War, the 1929 Crisis and the Second World War, favored a relative industrial development for the countries of Latin America. Due to the volume deacrsing of exports to the nations of Latin America by the England, France, Germany and the United States during the First World War, some Latin nations began to manufacture several products to guarantee the supply of the domestic market.

The 1929 Crisis also contributed to the industrialization process in Latin America. With the fall of the North American economy, Latin countries, with great economic dependence on the United States, stopped receiving capital from the sale of agricultural products and raw materials. For this reason, with no money to buy imported industrialized products, most Latin countries were forced to manufacture their products. This fact was most evident in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.

With the end of World War II, large business groups from industrialized countries in Europe, as well as the United States and Japan, sought a new form of commercial expansion, with the dispersion of multinational companies towards countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
