After an unsuccessful attempt to train her puppy one morning, Sharon, the office manager, scolds her assistant when she arrives for work. Sharon is displaying which of the following defense mechanisms? A. Rationalization
B. Malingering
C. Displacement
D. Sublimation


Answer 1
Answer: Answer is C: displacement; throwing her anger from her puppy onto the assistant.

Hope she apologizes later or her assistant might become unhappy

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WORTH 20 POINTS!:)1. True or False
Hypnotic suggestion has been shown to help patients prep and recover from surgery.

2. True or False
Hypnosis is commonly used by athletes to control their performance anxiety.

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Everyone can be hypnotized.

4. True or False
Some believe that the effects of hypnosis may not be from hypnosis but from people believing that hypnosis works.


1. True, a significant number of people have shown speedier recovery with hypnosis, and surgical wounds heal faster. But the same has been seen with prayer. And zen meditation.

2. True, many athletes—and musicians, and dancers—have used hypnosis to overcome performance anxiety. The same can be said of Bach flower remedy. Or, again, zen meditation.

3. False, not everyone can be hypnotized. Probably the biggest reason is that one must be willing, otherwise no attempt at hypnosis is going to be effective.

4. Of course true, many people believe the effects of hypnosis come from people believing it will work. And the same can be said of prayer, and Bach flower remedies, and meditation, etc...

There is evidence that the mind can influence healing in the body. Perhaps the effectiveness of hypnosis is primarily or entirely due to the expectation that it will work. Perhaps that is the definition of hypnosis anyway.
1) True, there are reports of hypnosis helping people recover from fears as well as surgeries. 2) False, most athletes prefer to maintain in the clearest state of mind in advance of athletic endeavors. 3) False, there are reports of people not being able to be hypnotized. 4) True, many believe you have to believe in hypnosis for it to work.

Describe three characteristics of at-risk drivers. A.
Describe three characteristics of safe drivers.
Describe three driver errors that could cause a collision.
How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? (2-3 sentences)


The first 3)
A, an at-risk driver is someone who is recklessly driving.
B, an at-risk driver is a driver who is driving at a very high rate of speed.
C, an at-risk driver is a driver who is someone who is driving in dangerous way as in no seatbelt or being distracted. 

The second 3) 
A, A characteristic of safe drivers are they wear they're seat belts at anytime the vehicle is moving,
B, they drive at a safe speed and never act the fool while their driving
C, A safe driver always pays attention to the road and areas around him. 

and now the last 3)
Three driver errors that could cause a collision are
A, texting while driving,
B, talking on the phone while driving,(because even talking take part of your attention away from the road)
C, driving all over the road as if you're the only person there. 
Also you have to answer that last question about how will it affect you because it's asking how will affect YOU not somebody else.

What is the name of the body's largest artery?


The largest artery is the abdominal aorta.

Volume, mass, center of gravity, and density are examples of which of the following?


All three of them are used for measuring mass.
They all are use for mass measuring. 

In setting up a client agreement, you wold request a down payment to cover A . the cost of groceries

B. the number of people to be served

C. your out of pocked expenses

D. level free contingencies


The answer is C- your out of pocket expenses

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b. to regulate the currency
c. to establish a uniform system of weights and measures
d. to regulate commerce among the states


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "d. to regulate commerce among the states." The constitutional power that was the main basis for congressional passage of legislation regulating business activities during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is to regulate commerce among the states.