Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Contest" is a piece of historical fiction because it focuses on the historical figure of Nero and recreates ancient Rome and Greece. In the story, Doyle indicates that the Greeks took their cultural performances and art seriously and were good judges of art. Which of the following lines from "The Contest" best support that claim?A. ". . . but at the same time he understood that only a master of song could receive such a reception from a Greek audience."

B. "Every Greek was a trained critic, and as unsparing in his hisses as he was lavish in his applause."
"But now, as the man stopped and wiped the abundant sweat from his fat face, the whole assembly burst into a delirium of appreciation."

C. "Soldiers ran to pull him down, and the whole audience was in confusion, some of the bolder cheering the sentiments of the shepherd, and others crying that he should be cast out of the building."

D. "It was all simple and childlike, but it went to the hearts of the Olympians, for it spoke of the land which they knew and loved."


Answer 1

Correct answer choice is :

B)  "Every Greek was a trained critic, and as unsparing in his hisses as he was lavish in his applause."

"But now, as the man stopped and wiped the abundant sweat from his fat face, the whole assembly burst into a delirium of appreciation."


Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KStJ DL was a British writer best remembered for his agent story emphasizing the character of Sherlock Holmes. Basically a physician, in 1887 he issued A Study in Scarlet, the first of four novels about Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Answer 2
Answer: In the story above, Doyle indicates that Greeks took their cultural performances and arts seriously and were good judges of art. The lines from "The Contest" supports the claim is in choice B. It states that "Every Greek was a trained critic, and as unsparing in his hisses as he was lavish in his applause." 
"But now, as the man stopped and wiped the abundant sweat from his fat face, the whole assembly burst into a delirium of appreciation."

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The right option is; b.

Wheat and corn are common products of tropical plantations is not true concerning tropical plantations.

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Parasitism in finding nemo


Its been a while since I saw that movie but I believe there was a clip with a school of fish following a large fish around. The smaller fish get a source of food by cleaning / removing parasites from the large fish. The large fish obviously gets those little pests removed. That is an example of both parasitism and mutualism.

In the movie Finding Nemo, there are several examples of parasitism.

Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of another organism. The organism that benefits is called the parasite, while the organism that is harmed is called the host.

  • One example of parasitism in Finding Nemo is the relationship between the cleaner shrimp and the fish that it cleans. The cleaner shrimp is a parasite, while the fish is the host. The cleaner shrimp benefits by feeding on the parasites and dead skin of the fish, while the fish benefits by having its skin cleaned. This is an example of mutualism, a type of symbiotic relationship in which both organism's benefit.
  • Another example of parasitism in Finding Nemo is the relationship between the anglerfish and the fish that it preys upon. The anglerfish is a parasite, while the fish is the host. The anglerfish benefits by using its bioluminescent lure to attract prey, while the fish is harmed by being eaten.

In conclusion, parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of another organism.

Learn more about Parasitism here: