The political party in the twentieth century that generally opposed government expansion to solve social problems is the ____ Party.


Answer 1
Answer: The political party in the twentieth century that generally opposed government expansion to solve social problems is the Republican Party. I hope this is the answer that you are looking for and it comes to your help.
Answer 2

Republican Party or Grand Old Party (GOP).

The political party in the twentieth century that generally opposed government expansion to solve social problems is the Republican Party.

Republican Party in the twentieth century generally opposed government expansion to solve social problems because during the time the party came to be associated with Conservation Social Policies. The party opposed the government regulation of economy as well as government funded social programs.

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A snake that eats a mouse is an exampe of


A snake that eats a mouse is an example of predation.

In predation, there are usually two roles that are exhibited which are the predator and the prey. The predator is the organism that hunts and eats the prey and the prey is the organism that is being eaten by the predator as food. In this case, the predator would be the snake and the mouse would be the prey. This example is a commonly used to demonstrate such. This become even more complicated when the food chain is introduced or a sequence of predation where in a predator also becomes a prey and a prey was once a predator.

Final answer:

A snake eating a mouse is an example of predation in biology.


A snake that eats a mouse is an example of predation in biology. Predation is the act of one organism (the predator) killing and consuming another organism (the prey). Snakes are carnivorous and rely on predation to obtain their food. This relationship is a fundamental aspect of the natural world and plays an important role in ecological dynamics.

Thus, it is an interaction in which one organism, known as the predator, hunts, captures, and consumes another organism, called the prey. It is a crucial ecological process that regulates populations, influences species dynamics, and contributes to biodiversity. Predation shapes ecosystems by controlling herbivore populations and affecting prey behavior and adaptations.

Learn more about Predation here:


Which of the following is a value of biodiversity? A. Climate change
B. Healthy ecosystems
C. Pollution
D. Invasive species

Is it B?


Yes it is B. Healthy ecosystems consist of mutiple animals ,living things and others Etc. The more Diverse it is the better chances everything has of substaining life and stay balanced.
you right it's the answer is b

Three genes in fruit flies affect a particular trait, and one dominant allele of each gene is necessary to get a wild-type phenotype. a. What phenotypic ratios would you predict among the progeny if you crossed triply heterozygous flies? b. You cross a particular wild-type male in succession with three tester strains. In the cross with one tester strain (AA bb cc), only 1/4 of the progeny are wild type. In the crosses involving the other two tester strains (aa BB cc and aa bb CO, half of the progeny are wild type. What is the genotype of the wild-type male?


a. When crossing triply heterozygous flies (Aa Bb Cc), where each gene has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, the phenotypic ratios among the progeny would be 1:1. b. The genotype of the wild-type male can be deduced based on the phenotypic ratios observed in the crosses with the tester strains.

a. If you crossed triply heterozygous flies (Aa Bb Cc), where each gene has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, you can use the product rule to predict the phenotypic ratios among the progeny.

For each gene, the possible gametes are A and a, B and b, C and c. When you cross the triply heterozygous flies, you can determine the possible genotypes of the offspring:


AA BB CC (wild type)

AA BB Cc (wild type)

AA Bb CC (wild type)

AA Bb Cc (wild type)

Aa BB CC (wild type)

Aa BB Cc (wild type)

Aa Bb CC (wild type)

Aa Bb Cc (wild type)

The phenotypic ratios can be determined by counting the number of wild-type (dominant phenotype) offspring and dividing it by the total number of offspring:

Wild-type progeny (AA BB CC, AA BB Cc, AA Bb CC, AA Bb Cc, Aa BB CC, Aa BB Cc, Aa Bb CC, Aa Bb Cc) = 8

Total number of progeny = 8 (since each possible genotype occurs once)

Phenotypic ratio: 8 wild-type : 8 total = 1:1

b. To determine the genotype of the wild-type male, we can deduce it based on the phenotypic ratios observed in the crosses with the tester strains.

In the cross with the tester strain AA bb cc, only 1/4 of the progeny are wild type. This means that the male being tested (wild-type male) must be heterozygous for the B and C genes (Aa Bb Cc) since the wild-type phenotype requires one dominant allele for each of the three genes.

In the crosses involving the other two tester strains (aa BB cc and aa bb CO), half of the progeny are wild type. This indicates that the wild-type male is homozygous for the A gene (AA Bb Cc) since the wild-type phenotype requires two dominant alleles for the A gene.

So, the genotype of the wild-type male is Aa BB Cc.

To learn more about  progeny



the genotype depends more on if its a boy or girl


Which of the following situations would summarizing be the most useful?A. writing a persuasive essay
B. looking for statistics for a research paper
C. writing a synopsis of a play
D. reading a magazine


The correct answer is C. Writing a synopsis of a play.

The synopsis is termed as a brief summary of the whole story. 

The synopsis is different from others like pitch and planning an outline. In synopsis, it is a bit difficult because;
1. Spoiling of the story feels like heresy.
2. Everything in your book seems important.
3. You really want people to like your book.
Synopsis helps a publisher or agent or judge to understand the context of the sample written. It also helps the agent to get the idea of the whole story.
Out of the choices given, the situation where summarizing would be the most useful is writing would be when writing a synopsis of a play. The correct answer is C. 

A swim bladder is a gas-filled sac that helps fish maintain buoyancy. the evolution of the swim bladder from lungs of an ancestral fish is an example of __________.


exaptation - when a limb evolves and takes on a new function