Which of these subjects would most likely be written about in a narrative poem? a) Excitement about a new love b) Praise for a champion
c) Life experiences of a writer
d) Style and color of a woman's shoes


Answer 1

The correct answer is C. life experiences of a writer.

Narrative poems deal with some narration, a lengthy story. So life experiences of a person would definitely fit into this category because there is a lot to tell about someone's life, especially within a poem. A would be a lyrical poem, B would be an epic, and D would be a descriptive poem, none of which are narrative.

Answer 2
Answer: It would most likely be life experiences of a writer because it is a narrative. A narrative being a story told by an outside voice, the poem would consist of a narrator telling the story of their own or of another.

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What is the difference between stress and strain in materials mechanics, and how are they related to each other?



Stress and strain are fundamental concepts in materials mechanics, a branch of engineering that deals with the behavior of materials under various forces. Let's explore the difference between stress and strain and their relationship:


Stress is a measure of the internal resistance within a material to external forces or loads applied to it. It's the force per unit area and is represented in units of pressure (N/m² or Pascals). Stress can be categorized into different types based on the nature of the force and deformation:

- **Tensile Stress**: The force that elongates or stretches a material along its axis.

- **Compressive Stress**: The force that compresses or shortens a material along its axis.

- **Shear Stress**: The force that causes one layer of a material to slide over an adjacent layer.


Strain is a measure of the deformation or change in shape that occurs in a material as a result of stress. It's typically expressed as a dimensionless ratio and is often given as a percentage change in length. Strain is a measure of how much a material has deformed under the applied stress.

**Relationship between Stress and Strain**:

The relationship between stress and strain is described by the material's mechanical properties, specifically its elastic modulus (also known as Young's modulus or stiffness). The elastic modulus represents how much a material will deform under a given stress. The formula relating stress (σ) and strain (ε) is given by:


σ = E × ε



- σ is the stress

- E is the elastic modulus

- ε is the strain

In other words, the stress applied to a material is directly proportional to the strain it experiences. This relationship holds within the material's elastic limit, where deformation is temporary and reversible. Beyond the elastic limit, the material might experience permanent deformation or failure.

Understanding the stress-strain relationship is crucial for designing structures and materials that can withstand various loads and forces without failing. Engineers use this knowledge to ensure that materials are used safely and effectively in applications ranging from buildings and bridges to automotive components and medical devices.



In materials mechanics, stress and strain are fundamental concepts that describe the behavior of materials under applied forces. They are closely related but represent different aspects of how materials respond to external loads. Here's the difference between stress and strain and how they are related:


- Stress is a measure of the internal resistance within a material to deform when subjected to an external force.

- It is defined as the force applied per unit area of the material's cross-sectional area.

- Stress is expressed in units of force divided by area, such as pascals (Pa) or newtons per square meter (N/m²).

- There are different types of stress, including normal stress (acting perpendicular to the surface) and shear stress (acting parallel to the surface).


- Strain is a measure of the deformation that occurs in a material due to the applied stress.

- It is defined as the change in dimension (length, area, or volume) divided by the original dimension of the material.

- Strain is a dimensionless quantity, often expressed as a ratio or a percentage.

- There are different types of strain, including axial strain (related to length change), shear strain (related to shape change), and volumetric strain (related to volume change).

**Relationship between Stress and Strain:**

The relationship between stress and strain is described by a material's mechanical properties, specifically its **elastic modulus** or **Young's modulus** (E). This modulus represents the stiffness of the material and defines how it responds to stress by undergoing strain. The relationship is expressed by **Hooke's Law**:

Stress (σ) = Elastic Modulus (E) × Strain (ε)

In linear elastic behavior, where the material returns to its original shape after the load is removed, stress and strain are directly proportional within the material's elastic limit. This linear relationship is characterized by Hooke's Law. However, when stress exceeds the material's elastic limit, the relationship between stress and strain becomes nonlinear, and the material undergoes permanent deformation or plasticity.

In summary, stress represents the force per unit area applied to a material, while strain represents the resulting deformation. The relationship between stress and strain defines the mechanical behavior of a material, and this relationship is described by the material's elastic modulus.


Which of the following quotes with a conjunctive adverb is punctuated correctly?A. I consoled myself with the hope that I should one day find a good chance. Meanwhile I would learn to write.

B. I consoled myself with the hope that I should one day find a good chance, meanwhile, I would learn to write.

C. I consoled myself with the hope that I should one day find a good chance and meanwhile I would learn to write.

D. I consoled myself with the hope that I should one day find a good chance. Meanwhile, I would learn to write.


The quote with a conjunctive adverb that is punctuated correctly is option D. I consoled myself with the hope that I should one day find a good chance. Meanwhile, I would learn to write. The word "meanwhile" is an example of a conjunctive adverb. The word "meanwhile" is already used; therefore, there is no need to use the word "and" because a conjunctive adverb connects two different independent sentences.


The Correct Answer is D.)

D. I consoled myself with the hope that I should one day find a good chance. Meanwhile, I would learn to write.


Which sentence uses apostrophes correctly? The décor of the mens room looked like it had not been changed since the 1970’s. The décor of the men’s room looked like it had not been changed since the 1970s. The décor of the mens’ room looked like it had not been changed since the 1970’s.


The 3rd sentence: The decor(with an apostrophe on top of the e) of the mens' room looked like it had not been changed since the 1970's.
The reason why because 'men's' doesn't need an apostrophe at the end because it's a singular plural and the men do not belong to room, much.
However, decor(with an apostrophe on top on the e) needs to have that because it comes from french, in addition 1970's needs an apostrophe because it's a year and it's a proper noun and you're adding an 's at the end.
Hope this helped. :

The 3rd sentence: The décor of the men's' room looked like it had not been changed since the 1970's.

A short story usually deals with a single problem or idea, has a single plot, and brings about a single effect. a. True
b. False


The correct answer would be letter b. False, because a short story does not necessarily need only a single problem, single plot, and single conclusion. For many short stories has have those kind of characteristics but one thing in common is that it does not contain only one thought. 


Which type of sentence is this and what punctuation should it have? Do you think time travel will ever be possible

A. declarative, period
B. imperative, question mark
C. interrogative, question mark
D. exclamatory, period


C. Interrogative, question mark