His brother, fell before his feet, And cried, "Thy claim all men allow: O come, our lord and king be thou." But Ráma nobly chose to be Observant of his sire’s decree. He placed his sandals in his hand A pledge that he would rule the land: And bade his brother turn again. Then Bharat, finding prayer was vain, The sandals took and went away; Nor in Ayodhyá would he stay. But turned to Nandigráma, where He ruled the realm with watchful care, Still longing eagerly to learn Tidings of Ráma’s safe return. Bharat is characterized as a(n)_________ king.



Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer here is that in the extract included above, Bharat is characterised as a reluctant King. We can observe this based upon the interactions between he and other characters, and the level of persuasion needed in order for him to take actions that show the amount of power he has.
Answer 2

He is a reluctant king.

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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.1.A:Thoose shoes look so comfortable.
B:They .................(make)in Italy
2.A:Why didn`t you fly to Moscow?
B:Because all the flights................................(cancel)due to a snowatorm.
B:From 11:30am to 2:30 pm.
4A:who...................(the first computer game/invent/by)
B:Steve Russell
5. A:Can i bring my dog?
B:I`m afaid pets......................(not/allow)in the camp.
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1.A:Thoose shoes look so comfortable.
   B: They are made in Italy

2.A:Why didn`t you fly to Moscow?
   B: Because all the flights were canceled due to a snowstorm

3.A:When is lunch served?
   B:From 11:30am to 2:30 pm

4A: Who was the first computer game invented by?
  B:Steve Russell

5. A:Can I bring my dog?
   B: I'm afraid pets aren't allowed in the camp

6.Why didn`t you come to Helen`s party ?
   B: I wasn't invited

Final answer:

Here are the correct passive verb forms for each sentence.


To put the verbs in the correct passive tense, we need to change the active verbs to passive verbs. Here are the correct passive verb forms:

  1. A: Those shoes look so comfortable.
    B: They are made in Italy.
  2. A: Why didn't you fly to Moscow?
    B: Because all the flights were canceled due to a snowstorm.
  3. A: When is lunch served?
    B: From 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.
  4. A: Who invented the first computer game?
    B: Steve Russell invented the first computer game.
  5. A: Can I bring my dog?
    B: I'm afraid pets are not allowed in the camp.
  6. A: Why didn't you come to Helen's party?
    B: I was not invited.

Learn more about passive verb forms here:



In part two of trifles which of the following is an example of dramatic irony?



C) Audience knows the deceased, but the men and play do not.


Trifles is built as a detective story in which the main characters are usually the detectives; however, in Trifles, the main characters are the detective's wives who, through their experiences as housewives, solve the crime without the men ever acknowledging this because of the women's empathy towards the killer of Mr. Wright, who they assume to be Mrs. Wright, after having her spirit "killed" by Mr. Wright in the first place. Trifles questions the patriarchal justice system.

In part two of trifles, an example of dramatic irony is c) the audience knows the deceased the men and play do not.

Answer: C) the audience knows the deceased the men and play do not.

The theme most connected to Buck's visions in the fire iso civilization vs. the primitive
the effect of the environment
O rules and laws
the qualities of men


The answer is the qualities of men

100% SURE


the answer is The qualities of men


Because it was so cold, we wore our heavy coats.​





What kind of figurative language is used in this statement? "I was so embarrassed that I wanted to die." A. Analogy because it explains death with a comparison.
B. Hyperbole because the speaker is exaggerating.
C. Simile because it is making a direct comparison between two unlike things.
D. Oxymoron because it is a contradictory expression.


This is hyperbole: the speaker unlikely wants to literately die from this embarrassment: It's an exaggeration. Hyperbole is an exaggeration used to strengthen one's statement.

Brittany wants to make cookies for the whole fourth grade. One batch of dough makes 2 dozen cookies. There are 68 fourth graders at her school. Is it reasonable to say that Brittany will need more than two batches of dough?


If one batch makes 2 dozen cookies, which is 24 cookies, then 2 batches would makes 48 cookies. So it would be reasonable to say that she would need more than 2 batches of dough