What should you record on a note card if you're using the index-card organizational system?


Answer 1
Answer: A note card using the index card organization system which is also known as a source card, is used to document all the information of the sources you will need. In this, you should record the Bibliographic information. The correct answer is option A. It includes the title, author, publisher and date.

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"Twenty less than 8 times a number"

"15 more than the number"

It says they are the same, so you set them equal to eachother.
8x-20=x+15 \n 8x=x+35 \n 7x=35 \n x=5
x = 5
hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Since you provide no options, One of the common method that is the best revision of sentence to avoid repetitions by wisely used pronoun. The sentence would be the one the does not contain several same names over and over .

Hope this helps


1) A an icebreaker cartoon that you think is funny.

2) D being spontaneous when delivering the introduction.

3) B in addition, anyone who whishes to check can see the following piece of evidence: the sun and the moon look like they are about the same size, but in fact they are quite different in size.

4) B Pancakes are a quick, easy breakfast.        - There you go sweets :)


Based on the Supremacy Clause, which must US judges support?-state laws-state and federal laws-the Constitution-the Bill of Rights


Article VI, Paragraph 2 of The Constitution. The Supremacy Clause upholds the Constitution and any laws made in relation to it as the supreme laws of the land, and binds state courts and state constitutions to follow it. This helps in situations where state laws conflict with national laws; the Supremacy Clause establishes that national laws are superior in these cases.

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The boards ranged from 14 to 16 feet long and were made of wood.

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B. opinion and the occasion.
C. reader and the audience.
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The occasion and the audience, or letter A.

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