The scholastic method of teaching involves constant


Answer 1


The scholastic method of teaching involves constant interaction and discussion between the teacher and the students.


Scholasticism was a philosophical movement that developed in the Middle Age. It was the mainstream in the schools and universities of Europe in that time, ideally trying to integrate the natural knowledge of Greece and Rome and the religious knowledge of Christianity. One of its main representatives was the philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas. He drew up a Platonic-Aristotelian fusion called Thomism. His goal was to use cosmological arguments to prove the existence of God.  

This pedagogy was characterized by 3 stages that symbolized the intellectual formation of the Middle Ages : lectio, quaestio and disputatio.  

Lectio - reading and commentary of biblical texts, texts of patristic authors and texts written by exponents of liberal arts.

Quaestio – First, a text was read. Then, different arguments were proposed that could be insufficient or contradictory. Subsequently, the teacher raised the controversy or doubt. Finally, a conclusion was reached that implied the correct use of logic and dialectic. These exercises and discussions gave rise to new philosophical currents and schools.

Disputatio - At this stage they separated themselves from the written text and focused on the discussion and debate of the conclusion that was generated in the stage of Quaestio.

Answer 2
Answer: It needs constant revision

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Sample Answer: Bronze was developed by mixing tin with copper. Making tools and weapons out of bronze instead of stone was extremely beneficial to ancient people. Bronze was stronger, less likely to break, able to be resharpened, and could be melted down and recast.

Hopefully, this helps! :D

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People who gave up looking for jobs


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Answer: Human perception of light and sound


 According to the given question, if we compare the physics and the psycho-physics then the psycho-physics is basically studying about the different types of human perceptions of the sound and the light.

 On the other hand, the physicists is study about the various types of sound and the light properties.

The psychophysics is basically responsible for studying about the relationship between various types of physical characteristics about the frequency pf the sounds, sensations and the light based on the human perception.  

 Therefore, Human perception of light and sound  is the correct answer.