What important financial institution was created under fdr new deal program


Answer 1
Answer: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

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It was "Philippe Bunau-Varilla" who was the engineer in charge of building the canal through Panama for the French, although he had help from other engineers as well. 

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b. France
c. Italy
d. America


Musical theatre can be traced as far back as ancient Greece, but the evolution of musical theatre as we know it began in England during the European Renaissance.


I believe it is America.


Musical theatre is known as the "American Art Form"

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You can maybe write about a trip you will never forget, a crazy experience you had, a sad time in your life, someone that inspires you, an embarrassing story, etc.

An awkward bird trying to find a mate before mating season.

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The French and Indian war was fought between the Colonies of British America and New France


Which of the following steps describes the discernment process for becoming a priest


Without the list to choose from, I can simply offer here a brief description of what Roman Catholics call the process of discernment.

Essentially, what one is seeking to discern or determine is where God is calling you to serve in your life.  This is called your "vocation" or calling.  This includes the decision of whether to remain single or to seek marriage, as well as whether to remain a member of the laity (the people of the church) or to serve among the clergy of the church.  Since the priesthood requires celibacy, both one's marital state and life's work are involved in discerning one's vocation.  Persons are encouraged to seek holiness in God, listen for God's leading and indications, and talk to others in the church for their advice in discerning whether pursuing the priesthood is a call suited to the individual.

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Deism and rational religion were popular approaches to religion by philosophical thinkers during the Enlightenment.  John Locke was one of the early proponents of this sort of approach to thinking about God.  Deists (or we could say "God-ists") believed in God, but as a rather remote Being who had created the universe by his power and embedded in it natural laws that allowed it to run on its own from there.  Some have compared it to viewing God as the "great watchmaker" who designed the universe as a perpetual watch or clock that could run on from there without needing his personal intervention in daily affairs of earthly life.