Water molecules exhibit a property by virtue of which they can stick to each other. What is this property referred to as?


Answer 1

The water molecule has the ability to form hydrogen bonds, between atoms of oxygen and hydrogen of different molecules (they can also be formed between atoms of hydrogen, phosphorus, and nitrogen, but in the case of water we refer only to hydrogen and oxygen). When this phenomenon occurs between molecules of the same species (one molecule of H2O with another molecule of H2O), it is called cohesion, which is the attraction that molecules have for others of the same type. In the case of water, cohesion occurs thanks to hydrogen bonds, and this union is very strong and difficult to break.

Answer 2
Answer: Its referred to as  cohesion

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Give 3 differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs?



Autotrophs -

Autotrophs prepare their own food by the process called photosynthesis or by some other raw materials or Energy. Autotrophs are also known as producers.

Some examples of Autotrophs are :

  • Plants
  • Fungi
  • Bacteria

Heterotrophs -

Heterotrophs can not prepare their own food and they depends upon autotrophs. Heterotrophs are also known as consumers.

Some examples of Heterotrophs are :

  • Humans
  • Birds
  • Dogs



Final answer:

Autotrophs and heterotrophs differ in their energy source, nutritional mode, and carbon source. Autotrophs can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, while heterotrophs rely on consuming other organisms for energy.


Autotrophs and heterotrophs are two types of organisms that differ in how they obtain energy. Here are three key differences between them:

  2. Energy Source: Autotrophs can convert sunlight or inorganic compounds into energy through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, respectively. This means they can produce their own food. Heterotrophs, on the other hand, obtain energy by consuming organic matter. They rely on consuming other organisms for their energy needs.
  4. Nutritional Mode: Autotrophs are capable of synthesizing their own organic compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. They can produce these essential molecules through metabolic processes. Heterotrophs, however, rely on consuming preformed organic compounds for their nutritional needs. They cannot synthesize these molecules on their own.
  6. Carbon Source: Autotrophs utilize carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or dissolved in water as their carbon source for photosynthesis. They convert this carbon dioxide into organic compounds. Heterotrophs, on the other hand, obtain their carbon from the organic compounds they consume. They break down these organic compounds to release energy.

Understanding these differences helps us appreciate the diverse ways in which organisms obtain and utilize energy.

Learn more about differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs here:




according to the direct instruction, which of the following is a leading cause of death among young people in the United States



C. Accidents


The latest UN surveys show that traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among 15- and 29-year-olds in the United States. According to official data, more than 1.2 million people lose their lives in traffic accidents every year. The numbers are frightening and show that the problem of traffic negligence is still very much highlighted. Young people are among the hardest hit because of the lifestyle to which they are generally associated. Drunk driving and speeding are the main causes of accidents among young people. However, driving and using your mobile phone to send instant messages begins to appear as a major trigger for accidents.

Accidents. That's The Correct answer. BrainLiest?

The smallest structure of a muscle are called myofilaments. Which of the terms below represents the specific myofilaments? Select one: a. action/origin b. action/insertion c. actin/myosin d. actin/proactin


c action/insertion i think

I have a huge test tomorrow and I need to know every thing about Cells, like the eukarotic cell, i need to know the cell membrane, and osmosis.



Cell Definition

“A cell is defined as the smallest, basic unit of life that is responsible for all of life’s processes.”

Cells are the structural, functional, and biological units of all living beings. A cell can replicate itself independently. Hence, they are known as the building blocks of life.  

Each cell contains a fluid called the cytoplasm, which is enclosed by a membrane. Also present in the cytoplasm are several biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Moreover, cellular structures called cell organelles are suspended in the cytoplasm.

Types of Cells.

Prokaryotic Cells

Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus. Instead, some prokaryotes such as bacteria have a region within the cell where the genetic material is freely suspended. This region is called the nucleoid.

They all are single-celled microorganisms. Examples include archaea, bacteria, and cyanobacteria.

The cell size ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 µm in diameter.

the hereditary material can either be DNA or RNA.

Prokaryotes reproduce by binary fission, a form of sexual reproduction.

Eukaryotic Cells

Eukaryotic cells are characterised by a true nucleus.

The size of the cells ranges between 10–100 µm in diameter.

This broad category involves plants, fungi, protozoans, and animals.

The plasma membrane is responsible for monitoring the transport of nutrients and electrolytes in and out of the cells. It is also responsible for cell to cell communication.

They reproduce sexually as well as asexually.

There are some contrasting features between plant and animal cells. For eg., the plant cell contains chloroplast, central vacuoles, and other plastids, whereas the animal cells do not.

Functions of Cell:

  • Provides Support and Structure
  • Facilitate Growth Mitosis
  • Allows Transport of Substances
  • Energy Production
  • Aids in Reproduction

Cell Membrane

  • The cell membrane supports and protects the cell. It controls the movement of substances in and out of the cells. It separates the cell from the external environment. The cell membrane is present in all the cells.
  • The cell membrane is the outer covering of a cell within which all other organelles, such as the cytoplasm and nucleus, are enclosed. It is also referred to as the plasma membrane.
  • By structure, it is a porous membrane (with pores) which permit the movement of selective substances in and out of the cell.  Besides this, the cell membrane also protects the cellular component from damage and leakage.
  • It forms the wall-like structure between two cells as well as between the cell and its surroundings.
  • Plants are immobile, so their cell structures are well-adapted to protect them from external factors. The cell wall helps to reinforce this function.

What is Osmosis?

Osmosis is a passive process and happens without any expenditure of energy. It involves the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration until the concentrations become equal on either side of the membrane.

Any solvent can undergo the process of osmosis including gases and supercritical liquids.

Osmotic Solutions

There are three different types of solutions:

An isotonic solution: is one that has the same concentration of solutes both inside and outside the cell.

A hypertonic solution: is one that has a higher solute concentration outside the cell than inside.

A hypotonic solution; is the one that has a higher solute concentration inside the cell than outside.

Effect of Osmosis on Cells

Osmosis affects the cells differently. An animal cell will lyse when placed in a hypotonic solution compared to a plant cell. The plant cell has thick walls and requires more water. The cells will not burst when placed in a hypotonic solution. In fact, a hypotonic solution is ideal for a plant cell.

An animal cell survives only in an isotonic solution. In an isotonic solution, the plant cells are no longer turgid and the leaves of the plant droop.

The osmotic flow can be stopped or reversed, also called reverse osmosis, by exerting an external pressure to the sides of the solute. The minimum pressure required to stop the solvent transfer is called the osmotic pressure

Significance of Osmosis

  • Osmosis influences the transport of nutrients and the release of metabolic waste products.
  • It is responsible for the absorption of water from the soil and conducting it to the upper parts of the plant through the xylem.
  • It stabilizes the internal environment of a living organism by maintaining the balance between water and intercellular fluid levels.
  • It maintains the turgidity of cells.
  • It is a process by which plants maintain their water content despite the constant water loss due to transpiration.
  • This process controls the cell to cell diffusion of water.
  • Osmosis induces cell turgor which regulates the movement of plants and plant parts.
  • Osmosis also controls the dehiscence of fruits and sporangia.
  • Higher osmotic pressure protects the plants against drought injury.

How does pseudopods work


The Function of Pseudopods. Pseudopods are actually extensions of the cytoplasm, or the thick liquid that is inside organisms like amoeba. The organism can change the shape of the pseudopod, making it move, appear, and disappear. The pseudopods are used in movement and as a tool to capture prey.

The most easily polluted groundwater reservoirs are A. water-table aquifers.
B. sewage plant reservoirs.
C. salt reservoirs.
D. artesian wells.


The most easily polluted groundwater reservoirs are water table aquifers.

Further Explanation:

A water table explains the boundary that lies between water saturation and unsaturation ground. It is present below the rocks and soil. The water that lies after the water table is aquifers. Soil, rocks, and sediments purify it. The water table is raised through rain, snow and irrigation process. Its concentration depends on the season; it is at its higher level during the rainy season.

Sometimes, the water table crosses with a land area such as spring water and an oasis. It is exposed to the land surface from the region like canyon and cliff. The area below the pumice carries porous and light rocks that can hold more water than denser rocks. This area carries a fuller aquifer. The United States completely depends on the groundwater due to which it is more susceptible to get polluted. It occurs when the human-made substance such as oil and chemicals enters the underground water. The groundwater absorbs the fertilizer and pesticides used on crops. Therefore, it is easier to contaminate the water table aquifers.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subjects: Biology

Topic: Water Bodies.


Water, boundary, saturation, unsaturation, rocks, aquifers, purified, sediments, irrigation, concentration, spring, canyon, cliff, groundwater, chemicals, fertilizer, pesticides.

the answer is A because i did this and gut it correct